Translation for "white board" to spanish
Translation examples
Let's get her a white board to write on.
Tráiganle una pizarra blanca para escribir.
What are you doing with our white board?
Que haces con nuestra pizarra blanca?
Oh, we've got to remember to check the white board.
Es verdad, nos tenemos que acordar de mirar la pizarra blanca.
[HIGH-PITCHED VOICES] music 99 dry erase markers music music On the white board music music 99 dry erase markers music music You take one down And sniff it all dry music music 98 dry erase markers music
99 marcadores En la pizarra blanca 99 marcadores Si agarras uno lo hueles hasta que quede seco 98 marcadores
I wrote it on the white board.
Lo escribí en la pizarra blanca.
White board says carotid subclavian bypass.
La pizarra blanca dice bypass carótido-subclavio.
Take that white board.
Coge esta pizarra blanca.
Sorry. There's a reason they call it the white board.
Perdona, por algo se llama pizarra blanca.
I need a white board to survive.
Necesito una pizarra blanca para vivir.
Gillette nodded toward the white-board.
Gillette señaló la pizarra blanca.
He approached the white board with marker in hand.
—Se acercó a la pizarra blanca con un rotulador en la mano—.
The team looked awkwardly at the white-board or computer terminals or the floor.
Posaron la mirada sobre la pizarra blanca o sobre las pantallas de ordenador.
He stared at the photo and the white-board, arms crossed.
Miró fijamente la foto y la pizarra blanca, con los brazos cruzados.
He wrote this on the white-board and looked at Gillette with a raised eyebrow.
Escribió eso en la pizarra blanca y miró a Gillette alzando una ceja.
The hacker walked to one of the blank white-boards and drew a chart.
El hacker se acercó a una de las pizarras blancas que no tenían nada escrito y dibujó un diagrama.
The detective's back was to the white-board as he recited all of this information.
El detective daba la espalda a la pizarra blanca mientras recitaba todos estos datos.
Dupree glanced at his beloved white board at the next item on his agenda.
Dupree buscó en su querida pizarra blanca el siguiente tema de su agenda.
Mott taped the sheets up on the white-board and the team stood in a cluster in front of them.
Mott pegaba las hojas en la pizarra blanca y el grupo se congregaba frente a ellas.
It contains items aimed at putting children at ease, such as small colourful tables and chairs, toys, white board with markers, coloured pencils, drawing books and so on.
Está concebido de manera que los niños se encuentren a gusto, con pequeñas mesas y sillas de colores, juguetes, tablero blanco con marcadores, lapiceros de colores, cuadernos de dibujo, etc.
The walls had been painted a fashionable but neutral gray and sported a white board and a small corkboard covered with file and business cards.
Las paredes se habían pintado de un gris elegante pero neutro, y mostraban un tablero blanco y un pequeño corcho cubierto de tarjetas comerciales.
These cities, these regular rows of blurry lamps marching past and suddenly advancing and encircling a stone horse in a square, were as much a habitual and unnecessary integument as the wooden pieces and the black and white board, and he accepted this external life as something inevitable but completely uninteresting.
Esas ciudades, esas hileras regulares de borrosos faroles que pasaban velozmente a su lado y de pronto se detenían alrededor de un caballo de piedra en una plaza, eran una envoltura tan habitual como innecesaria, igual que las piezas de madera y el tablero blanco y negro, y él aceptaba esa vida exterior como algo inevitable, pero ni mucho menos interesante.
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