Translation for "to dust off" to spanish
To dust off
Translation examples
I would have had to dust off my cap and gown.
Habría tenido que desempolvar mi birrete y mi toga.
You'll have to dust off the old credit card.
Tendrás que desempolvar tu vieja tarjeta de crédito.
So we're all to dust off our summer barges and go out on the river and enjoy ourselves.
Así que tendremos que desempolvar nuestras barcazas de verano y salir al río a pasarlo en grande.
She would find it increasingly exhausting to conjure up, to dust off, to resuscitate once again what was long dead.
Cada vez le resultaría más agotador conjurar, desempolvar, resucitar de nuevo lo que llevaba tanto tiempo muerto.
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