Translation for "to be steeped" to spanish
Translation examples
The earth’s soil was steeped in blood.
La superficie de la tierra estaba empapada en sangre.
No doubt I was steeped in sentimentality and folly.
Sin duda estaba empapada de sentimentalismo y necedad.
The ground on which they lay was steeped in blood.
El suelo donde yacían estaba empapado de sangre.
Ferguson, whose fingernails were steeped in blood.
Ferguson, cuyas uñas estaban empapadas de sangre.
Their lives were steeped in art, as well as in blood.
Sus vidas estaban empapadas de arte, así como de sangre.
AR the writers he respects are steeped in French culture;
Todos los escritores que respeta se han empapado de cultura francesa;
David, a scholar, was steeped in the Torah and in the holy books.
David, el erudito, estaba empapado del Torah y de los libros sagrados.
He was steeped in the logical positivism of Carnap and the Vienna Circle.
Estaba empapado del positivismo lógico de Carnap y el Círculo de Viena.
The grappa was finished, but the pear still seemed pretty well steeped in alcohol.
No tenía licor, pero la pera parecía aún empapada.
No less than his German contemporaries Marx was steeped in Goethe.
No menos que sus contemporáneos alemanes, Marx estaba empapado de Goethe.
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