Translation for "they looked for" to spanish
They looked for
Translation examples
101. Approximately 1,396,300 people were looking for work through the employment service in the first quarter of 1999, which is 4.8 times the number of job-seekers during the same period in 1994.
101. Durante el primer trimestre de 1999 buscaron trabajo a través del Servicio de Empleo cerca de 1.396.300 personas, cifra que es 4,8 veces mayor que la del período análogo en 1994.
The theme was "Volunteering for a sustainable future". It looked at ways to mainstream volunteerism in peace, humanitarian and development programmes.
El lema de la Conferencia fue "Voluntariado para un futuro sostenible" y en ella se buscaron los medios de integrar el voluntariado a los programas de paz, humanitarios y de desarrollo.
The settlers were provoking them, looking for a fight as a matter of fact.
Los colonos les provocaron, buscaron una pelea.
The United States looked for, and found, a convenient intermediary to embrace its immoral objectives and take the blame for the consequences, whether an embarrassing defeat or a pyrrhic victory.
Los Estados Unidos buscaron y encontraron un buen alcahuete que asumiera sus inmorales propósitos y cargara con cualquier resultado: una infamante derrota o una victoria pírrica.
Nor, at the time, did the national constitutions to which the drafters looked for inspiration.
Esos derechos tampoco figuraban en esa época en las constituciones nacionales, en las que buscaron inspiración los redactores de la Declaración.
The families and relatives of missing persons stated that they also looked in other police detention centres such as the CMIS Cameroon station, or in gendarme stations like PM3.
Los parientes y allegados de los desaparecidos declararon que también los buscaron en otros centros de detención de la policía, como el cuartel Camerún de la CMIS, o de la gendarmería, como el cuartel PM3.
In addition, the gynecologists looked for any signs indicating that such operation took place.
Además, los ginecólogos buscaron signos indicativos de que se hubiera practicado dicha operación.
209. The legal experts looked for another justification, and found that of prescription of rights.
209. Los maestros del "derecho" buscaron otra justificación, en este caso la prescripción.
These investors became central players when, during the buoyant mid-1990s, for various reasons emerging markets looked outside for capital.
Estos inversionistas se convirtieron en las piezas claves en la época de auge de mediados de la década del noventa cuando, por diversos motivos, los mercados emergentes buscaron capitales en el exterior.
Tajikistan found itself in a very difficult situation when the Afghan economy, which is based on opium, expanded in 1990 and the traffickers began looking for new routes.
Tayikistán se encontraba en una situación muy vulnerable, cuando la economía del Afganistán, basada en el opio, experimentó una expansión en los años noventa, en que los traficantes buscaron nuevas rutas.
“But did they look for anything?”
—Pero ¿buscaron algo?
They looked for you for a while.
Durante un tiempo la buscaron.
They looked out for the waterfall.
Buscaron la catarata.
They looked for him all morning.
Lo buscaron hasta el mediodía.
Many looked and many died.
Muchos la buscaron y muchos murieron.
They looked for the coastguard.
Buscaron al buen hombre.
Afterwards, they looked for toilets.
Después, buscaron los servicios.
They looked for the note and did not find it.
Buscaron la nota, y no la encontraron.
The gun that the officers were looking for was found in the street on or about 25 June 2000.
El arma que buscaban los policías apareció en la calle hacia el 25 de junio de 2000.
They would storm the bedrooms and uncover the people, looking for the persons they were after.
Registraban los dormitorios y deshacían las camas, tratando de encontrar a las personas que buscaban.
All parties to an investment agreement look for flexibility.
Todas las Partes en un acuerdo de inversión buscaban la flexibilidad.
Of female job applicants, 25.4% were looking for work for the first time.
De las candidatas, el 25,4% buscaban empleo por primera vez.
Countries need to be prepared to offer the right level of skills investors are looking for.
Los países debían estar preparados para ofrecer el nivel adecuado de conocimientos especializados que buscaban los inversores.
The men had been looking for the coordinator of her group.
Esos hombres buscaban al coordinador del grupo.
They were heard to say that they were looking for the houses of westerners.
Se les oyó decir que buscaban las casas de los habitantes de la región occidental.
The police said they were looking for "Enza", and asked the men if they had participated in the march.
La policía dijo que buscaban a "Enza" y preguntaron a los hombres si habían participado en la marcha.
In the meantime, he heard that the authorities were looking for him and his brother Mohammad was arrested.
Luego se enteró de que las autoridades lo buscaban y su hermano Mohammad fue detenido.
They were capable of working, but did not look for work.
Podían trabajar, pero no buscaban trabajo.
Those who looked for crisis looked for it in that.
Quienes buscaban encontrar una crisis la buscaban precisamente en eso.
     'But what were they looking for?'
—Pero ¿qué buscaban?
They came looking for us.
Nos buscaban a nosotros.
     'So that was what they were looking for.
—Con que era eso lo que buscaban.
They weren’t looking for him at all.
No lo buscaban a él.
What had they been looking for?
¿Qué era lo que buscaban?
Whatever they were looking for, it wasn’t him.
Fuera lo que fuese lo que buscaban, no era a él.
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