Translation for "thenceforward" to spanish
Translation examples
And thenceforward he went there daily, and after him went increasing numbers.
Y a partir de entonces fue allí todos los días, y tras de él seguían numerosos seguidores de su doctrina.
Thenceforward all the foreigners will conduct a legitimate trade, rejoicing in the exhaustless gains thereof.
A partir de entonces, todos los extranjeros podrán desarrollar actividades comerciales legítimas y disfrutar de inagotables beneficios.
Thenceforward, from time to time she came to his rescue when his financial situation was desperate.
A partir de entonces, de vez en cuando acudía en su socorro cuando se encontraba en aprietos financieros desesperados.
They both knew that this was her triumph, for thenceforward he would never escape her. He killed himself. Jamie and his wife.
Ambos sabían que esto era el triunfo de ella, porque a partir de entonces no podría escapársele. Él se suicidó. Jamie y su mujer.
That Sierra Leone thenceforward as of that moment has, or rather had, he pretends to correct with a smile, become a de facto SSTRAC.
A partir de entonces, Sierra Leona ha sido, o, mejor dicho, fue, dice, fingiendo corregir el error con una sonrisa, un SEMANES potencial.
Then Henchard shaved for the first time during many days, and put on clean linen, and combed his hair; and was as a man resuscitated thenceforward.
Henchard se afeitó por primera vez en muchos días, se puso ropa nueva y se peinó, y a partir de entonces fue como un hombre resucitado.
And if, she added, his partiality were to lead him to single out That Woman’s daughter Chloë, for this particular mark of favour, she would thenceforward wash her hands of him.
Y si su favoritismo, añadió, le llevaba a favorecer a la hija de «esa mujer», Chloë, a partir de entonces se desentendería de él.
    Thenceforward I hated this people, for what could one born in Arabia and a servant of Isis, the holy and gentle, think of a race that offered sacrifice of those born of them to a daemon?
A partir de entonces odié a ese pueblo, ya que, ¿qué podía pensar alguien nacida en Arabia, y servidora de Isis, la sagrada y gentil de una raza que ofrecía a sus nacidos en sacrificio a un demonio?
Instead he would be paid ‘half profits’ that is, he would receive nothing until the sales of the book had been sufficient to cover its costs, but thenceforward he would share equally with the publisher in any profits that might accrue.
es decir, que no ganaría dinero hasta que las ventas del libro cubriesen el costo, pero a partir de entonces compartiría, a medias con el editor, todos los beneficios.
Clean linen, perfectly cut coats, and the nice arrangement of his neckcloths were the hall-marks of the man of ton, and to these simple rules Alverstoke had thenceforward adhered, achieving, by patience and practice, the reputation of being one of the most elegant men on the town.
A partir de entonces, Alverstoke se sometió a estas sencillas reglas y, con práctica y paciencia, se ganó la fama de ser uno de los hombres más elegantes de la ciudad.
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