Translation for "string attached" to spanish
String attached
Translation examples
The money he brings has strings attached.
El dinero que él trae tiene cuerdas atadas.
Paragliding is not much more than manoeuvring a soft sail with a few strings attached - perhaps the closest you can come to flying on your own.
Parapente es maniobrar una vela con unas pocas cuerdas atada, lo más cercano a volar por tu cuenta.
See, with wishes, sometimes there's literally a string attached.
Mira, con los deseos, a veces hay literalmente una cuerda atada.
A string attached to keys can only mean one thing:
Una cuerda atada a las llaves sólo puede significar una cosa.
The Major demonstrated how a string attached to the underside of the barrel’s lid should have tripped the flintlock so that it would have struck a spark that would have ignited the powder and so exploded the main charge buried deep inside the shell.
El mayor mostró cómo una cuerda atada a la parte interior de la tapa del barril habría accionado el mecanismo y producido una chispa que inflamaría la pólvora y haría estallar la carga principal encerrada en el interior de la granada.
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