Translation for "strike-breaker" to spanish
Translation examples
He was a strike breaker back in 1926.
Fue rompehuelgas allá por 1926.
‘Do you mean that he was a strike-breaker?’
—¿Quiere decir que era un rompehuelgas?
And when the strike-breakers do come round, I pay his hospital bills, I feed his kids.
Y cuando llegan los rompehuelgas, le pago las facturas del hospital y doy de comer a sus hijos.
One night the strike-breaker got off at her corner with her and walked to her home.
Una noche el esquirol se apeó con ella en su parada y la acompañó hasta casa.
They had kept all the strike-breakers at work, and taken back just enough of the strikers to make up their needs.
Conservaron a los esquiroles y sólo admitieron el número de trabajadores preciso para mantener los equipos.
His father had been a professional strike-breaker hired by the street railway company to break a strike in 1900.
Su padre había sido un esquirol profesional, contratado por la compañía de tranvías para acabar con una huelga en 1900.
Old Elihu hired gunmen, strike-breakers, national guardsmen and even parts of the regular army, to do his.
Elihu el Viejo contrató hombres armados y esquiroles, pidió ayuda a la Guardia Nacional e incluso al ejército.
and it was said that on Monday the operators were going to bring in strike-breakers, and start the wells flowing on Excelsior Pete; and the men were getting ready to stop that if they could—it would be terrible!
Dicen que los patronos van a traer el lunes esquiroles, y que se reanudará el trabajo en los pozos de la Excelsior Pete con personal esquirol. Los huelguistas quieren oponerse y habrá choques entre unos y otros. Se dirigió Bun a la ciudad y callejeó para averiguar algo.
I thought I went into the army to put down the Kaiser, but I was kidnapped by some Wall Street bankers, and put to work as a strike-breaker, a scab.
—Me llevaron a la guerra para derrotar al kaiser, pero me secuestraron los banqueros de Wall Street, obligándome a actuar de esquirol.
And Bob Murphy was in jail, he had been arrested when they were bringing the strike-breakers into the Victor place. And so on, name after name that Bunny knew.
Bob Murphy dio con sus huesos en la cárcel… Le detuvieron cuando llegaron los esquiroles… Siguió la relación de nombres que eran familiares a Bun.
On Tuesday morning you read how several truck-loads of oil workers—the despatches did not call them strike-breakers—had been brought into the Excelsior Petroleum Company’s tract, and how, at the entrances, they were met by howling mobs, which cursed them, and called them vile names, and even threw bricks at them.
Un martes por la mañana llegaron al campo de la Excelsior Petroleum Company unos camiones llenos de personal esquirol que fue recibido con gritos, injurias y piedras.
The events of 1905 when the boys of Market Street had begun to organize strikes, throw bombs at police stations, and shoot strike breakers so that the stores were closed even on weekdays had greatly increased his isolation.
Los acontecimientos de 1905, cuando los jóvenes de la calle Market habían empezado a organizar huelgas, a lanzar bombas a los puestos de policía y a disparar contra los esquiroles, al extremo de que las tiendas permanecían cerradas durante ciertos días de la semana, aumentaron enormemente su aislamiento.
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