Translation for "straighten the leg" to spanish
Translation examples
“I can't straighten my legs out.
No puedo estirar las piernas.
Hillary couldn't straighten her legs.
Hillary no podía estirar las piernas.
Beargrass tried to straighten his leg and choked a cry.
Intentó estirar la pierna y ahogó un grito.
Now I managed to straighten my legs, wincing with pain.
Ahora conseguí estirar las piernas, haciendo muecas de dolor.
He awoke so cold that he could barely straighten his legs.
Se despertó con tanto frío que apenas pudo estirar las piernas.
I had cramps and an overwhelming desire to roll over and straighten my legs.
Tenía calambre y un deseo incontenible de dar la vuelta y estirar las piernas.
Unable to straighten his legs, he learned to push himself about by leaning on a chair, his legs floundering.
Incapaz de estirar las piernas, aprendió a moverse apoyándose en una silla y ayudándose con las piernas.
Rolling to his knees, he tried to straighten his legs beneath him but fell again and rolled onto his back.
Rodó poniéndose de rodillas e intentado estirar las piernas, pero volvió a caer de espalda.
It seemed as if he were lifting a castle tower on his shoulders when he tried to straighten that leg, and surge to his feet.
Sintió como si alzara la torre de un castillo sobre los hombros cuando intentó estirar aquella pierna para incorporarse.
       Titus, half numbed by his cramped position, was forced to lie back and rest his arms and straighten his leg.
Medio entumecido por su incómoda postura, Titus se vio forzado a tumbarse para descansar los brazos y estirar la pierna.
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