Translation for "so virtuous" to spanish
So virtuous
Translation examples
Everyone's so virtuous!
¡Todos son tan virtuosos!
- You are not so virtuous that.
- No sos tan virtuoso como para ello
Every time I buy something there, I feel so virtuous.
Cada vez que compro algo ahí me siento tan virtuosa.
Honestly, Alex, You think anybody with an Olympic medal is so virtuous?
Sinceramente, Alex,crees que alguien con una medalla olímpica es tan ¿virtuoso?
Not so virtuous after all.
No es tan virtuosa después de todo.
If he considers him so virtuous, why has he sent him here, to us?
Si tan virtuoso lo considera, ¿por qué nos lo ha enviado?
Don't be so virtuous.
No seas tan virtuosa.
It's so virtuous and so boring.
Es tan virtuoso y tan aburrido.
'Oh, you're so virtuous.
–Oh, es que eres un varón tan virtuoso.
He is so virtuous, so perfect, so esteemed.
Es tan virtuoso, tan perfecto, tan querido…
I am afraid he was not so virtuous a lad as Mr. Henry;
Me temo que no era tan virtuoso como el señor Henry;
“Sometimes,” she told him, “I wish Stem and Nora weren’t so … virtuous.
—Algunas veces preferiría que Brote y Nora no fuesen tan… virtuosos —le dijo—.
Are the women of Rome so virtuous that a whole legion must rape one poor slave woman?
¿Las mujeres romanas son tan virtuosas que toda una legión debe violar a una pobre mujer esclava?
If this great cause of yours is so good and so virtuous, so cherished bythe Church, why must we pretend to be people we are not?
Si esa gran causa tuya es tan buena y tan virtuosa, tan querida por la Iglesia, ¿por qué hemos de fingir que somos quienes no somos?
There was no knight more faithful than Sir Kaye, none so brave and amorous as Sir Lancelot, none so virtuous as Sir Galahad.
No había caballero más fiel que sir Kaye, ninguno más valiente y amoroso que sir Lancelot, ninguno tan virtuoso como sir Galahad.
Somehow the glittering armor and that formidable helmet made you seem so virtuous and righteous that I felt a distant creature from another and more sordid world.
Tu brillante armadura y tu casco te daban un aspecto tan noble, tan virtuoso, que me sentí una criatura sórdida, de un mundo distinto al tuyo.
I mean everyone told me it was just marvelous and the end of all my problems and loneliness and everything and so naturally I looked forward to it and then when I was at Allendale I went to this dance with this nice looking boy and we did it and it didn't stop me from feeling lonely because I've always been a very lonely person so we kept on doing it and doing it because I kept thinking it was going to keep me from being lonely and then I got pregnant, which was dreadful, of course, with Daddy being the priest and so virtuous and prominent, and they nearly died when they found out and they sent me to this place where I had this adorable little baby although they told everyone I was having an operation on my nose and afterwards they sent me to Europe with this old lady.
Quiero decir que todo el mundo decía que era simplemente maravilloso y la solución a todos mis problemas y a la soledad y todo eso y, claro, naturalmente, yo estaba deseando y luego, cuando estaba en Allendale, fui a ese baile con ese chico guapo y lo hicimos y yo no dejé de sentirme sola, porque yo siempre he estado muy sola, así que seguimos haciéndolo una vez y otra vez porque yo seguía pensando que dejaría de sentirme sola y entonces me quedé embarazada y fue espantoso, claro, siendo mi padre un clérigo y tan virtuoso y eminente, y ellos casi se mueren cuando se enteraron y me mandaron a ese sitio donde tuve un bebé adorable, aunque ellos dijeron a todo el mundo que me estaban operando la nariz y después me mandaron a Europa con esa señora mayor...
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