Translation for "so much care" to spanish
So much care
Translation examples
To destroy the plans for a life together that she has been working on for months, aligning them with so much care, intelligence, and know-how?
¿Estaría dispuesto a destruir la perspectiva de su vida en común que ella está organizando desde hace meses con tanto cuidado, inteligencia y conocimiento del mundo?
It makes me feel civilised and grateful that I have the privilege to enjoy something that has been made with so much care and knowledge and art.
Me hace sentir civilizada y agradecida por tener el privilegio de disfrutar algo que ha sido hecho con tanto cuidado, conocimiento y arte.
The little garden that he and the boy had nurtured with so much care and effort and water in the sand of the Cape Flats was faded in the late summer.
El pequeño jardín que él y el chico habían atendido con tanto cuidado y esfuerzo y regado en la arena de Cape Flats se había secado al final del verano.
His principal reason, however, for giving so much care and devotion to the chapel service was that he regarded it as the keystone of his educational plan.
Sin embargo, su razón principal para poner tanto cuidado y dedicación a la liturgia en la capilla era que la consideraba el pilar básico de su plan educativo.
He operated on the boy and treated him for two months, with so much care and attention that he neglected all his other patients, including even men high in office.
Operó al niño y lo trató durante dos meses con tanto cuidado y atención que olvidó a sus otros pacientes, incluyendo a altos personajes.
Indeed, I marveled at their tolerance in having taken me in at all, and in lavishing so much care upon me, considering that I had been the primary cause of their mother's untimely death.
En verdad, me maravillaba de su tolerancia para atenderme en todo y prodigarme tantos cuidados, considerando que fui la causa primordial de la muerte de su madre.
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