Translation for "scruff" to spanish
Translation examples
I was dragged around by the scruff of my neck on midnight trains and in freezing weather and I would
A mí me arrastraban cogiéndome por la nuca en trenes de media noche y con un frío que me...
"He pulled his trousers down and grabbed me firmly from my scruff"
"Se bajó los pantalones y me agarró firmemente por la nuca"
I grabbed him by the shoulder and the scruff of his neck.
Le agarré por el hombro y por la nuca.
He took a firm grip of the skin on the scruff of its neck and lifted it out.
Lo cogió por la piel de la nuca y lo sacó.
Memory seized him then, it felt as though by the scruff of his aching neck.
Entonces recuperó la memoria, como si le saltara a la nuca dolorida.
Nodonn plucked Isak Henning up by the scruff and held him dangling.
Nodonn agarró a Isak Henning por la nuca y lo arrastró dentro, pataleando.
She carried it into the middle of the room by the scruff of its neck, and put it on the floor.
La llevó cogida de la piel de la nuca hasta el centro de la habitación y la posó en el suelo.
He seized Malfoy by the scruff of the neck and forced him through the door ahead of the rest;
Agarró a Malfoy por la nuca y lo empujó hacia la puerta;
The minute Tiger went into the bushes Lynx fetched him back by the scruff of the neck.
En cuanto Tigre se escapaba entre la maleza Lince le traía cogido por la piel de la nuca.
She had thrust her arm into her mouth, taking hold of Max by the scruff of his neck.
Se había metido un brazo por la boca y agarrado a Max por el pellejo de la nuca.
When he protested, the dog said, ‘If you don’t believe me, look at the scruff of my neck.
Protestó, pero el perro dijo: «Si no me crees, mírame la nuca.
His first instinct was to take the boy by his scruff, and thrash the defiance out of him.
Su primer impulso fue tomar al niño por la nuca y sacudirle para quebrantar su actitud retadora;
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