Translation for "remind" to spanish
Translation examples
Remind central and local authorities of their commitments;
Recordar a las autoridades centrales y locales sus compromisos;
Staff has been reminded once again of this requirement.
Se ha vuelto a recordar al personal este requisito
All of us need to be reminded of that.
Esto es algo que todos debemos recordar.
In particular they are reminded of the strict ban on whipping.
Se recordará en particular la prohibición formal de administrar azotes.
She would remind the State party of that fact.
La Relatora Especial se lo recordará al Estado parte.
It is important to remind ourselves that girls are not yet women.
Es importante recordar que la niña aún no es mujer.
46. UNHCR will remind the field in this respect. .
46. El ACNUR recordará esta cuestión a las oficinas exteriores.
Field offices will be reminded of these procedures.
Se recordará a las oficinas exteriores la necesidad de aplicar esos procedimientos.
28. We need no reminding of the costs of this failure.
No hay para que recordar cuánto ha costado ese fracaso.
- I'll remind her.
- Se lo recordaré.
It reminds me.
Me hace recordar...
I'll remind you.
- Te lo recordaré.
Just remind him.
Sólo hazlo recordar.
It will remind you of me.
—Te recordará a mí.
He had to remind me.
Me lo tuvo que recordar.
“Then I’ll remind you.”
—Entonces yo te lo recordaré.
they had to be reminded of it constantly.
se lo tenía que recordar continuamente.
“I will remind her?”
– ¿Le recordaré lo sucedido?
And Amos will remind me.
Y Amós me lo recordará.
And you’ll be reminded of a dog.
Y te recordará a un perro.
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