Translation for "reliable-and" to spanish
Translation examples
Hungary will be a reliable partner in achieving this goal.
Hungría será un socio confiable en la consecución de este objetivo.
That is why there are no reliable statistics on how many they are.
Por ello no se tienen estadísticas confiables de su número.
c) safe and reliable understood as unshakable and adamant
por "seguro y confiable" se entiende "inflexible e inquebrantable"
the end-user/broker is not reliable.
:: Si el usuario final o el intermediario no es confiable.
The stations have a very high level of reliability of services.
Los servicios de las estaciones son sumamente confiables.
To obtain reliable local statistics;
Obtener localmente estadísticas confiables.
Lack of efficient and reliable communication
Falta de comunicación eficiente y confiable
(i) The need for reliable and standardized indicators;
i) La necesidad de contar con indicadores confiables y normalizados;
(a) Gathering reliable statistics on the situation of women;
a) Reunir estadísticas confiables sobre la situación de la mujer;
We were reliable and committed to hard work.
Fuimos confiables y nos empeñamos en una ardua labor.
It's safe and reliable and we can afford it.
Es seguro y confiable, y podemos pagarlo.
He was steady, reliable, and I knew he loved me.
Era seguro, confiable y yo sabía que me amaba.
Reliable and frumpy or stupid and glamorous.
Confiable y desaliñada o estúpida y glamourosa.
You've been nothing but honest and reliable, and...
Has sido siempre honesto y confiable y...
She's scrappy, reliable, and she's willing to kill.
Es aguerrida, confiable y está dispuesta a matar.
The boy is priceless - reliable and thourough.
El muchacho es inapreciable - confiable y directo.
We have the most reliable and bribable charwoman.
Tenemos a la sirvienta más confiable y sobornable.
You want cheap, reliable, and simple.
Usted quiere tacaño, confiable, y simplista.
They're such great boys-- so reliable and respectful.
Ellos son tan buenos muchachos... muy confiables y respetuosos.
But it's reliable and I promised I'd protect my source.
Pero es confiable y le prometí que lo protegeríamos.
They’re not very reliable.”
No son muy confiables.
Reliable but greedy.
Confiable pero codicioso.
Are these sources reliable?
¿Son confiables estas fuentes?
Submarines are reliable,
Los submarinos son confiables.
It is a reliable face.
Tengo una cara confiable.
I am, if nothing else, reliable.
Sobre todo, soy confiable.
He was wonderfully reliable.
Era increíblemente confiable.
Very reliable, everyone said.
Muy confiable, decían todos.
Reliable data are lacking.
Faltan datos fiables.
Are measures reliable?
¿Son fiables las mediciones?
Dissemination of reliable information
Difusión de información fiable
- how reliable it is methodologically
- si es fiable metodológicamente
Reliable resource commitments.
Compromisos de recursos fiables.
32. The register itself is not reliable.
El registro en sí no es fiable.
Seeks reliable and tender man, about 50.
Busca hombre fiable y tierno de unos 50 años.
They're reliable and accurate.
Son fiables y precisos.
They're big, strong... reliable... and terribly boring.
Son grandes, fuertes... fiables... y terriblemente aburridos.
These tactics are elementary but reliable and totally invisible.
Estas tácticas son elementales pero fiable y totalmente invisible .
I must say, you've become more reliable and durable.
Debo decirlo, te has vuelto más fiable y duradero.
- I can't say, but it's reliable and credible.
- No lo puedo decir, pero es fiable y creíble.
- It's reliable, and that's why I got it.
Es fiable y por eso lo tengo.
Will this new one be reliable?
¿Será fiable este otro?
But it was supposed to be reliable.
Pero se suponía que era fiable.
But none was reliable.
Pero su testimonio no era fiable.
A reliable witness.
—Una testigo fiable.
“The contractor is reliable?”
—¿El contratista es fiable?
It’s reliably insane.
Tiene una demencia fiable.
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