Translation for "really seemed" to spanish
Really seemed
Translation examples
Because it really seemed I was dreaming.
Porque realmente parecía que yo estaba soñando.
It really seemed like he was connecting.
Realmente parecía que se conectaba.
It really seemed to help.
Realmente parecía ayudar.
I gotta say, Dad really seemed to like that guy.
Debo decir, a papá realmente pareció gustarle ese tipo.
He really seemed broken up.
Realmente parecía roto.
It really seemed we'd spend our lives together.
Realmente parecía que pasaríamos nuestra vida juntos.
It really seemed like you went someplace.
- Realmente parecía como que si hubieses ido a algún lugar.
The name had really seemed to be a roadblock.
El nombre realmente parecía ser un obstáculo.
Bobbie really seemed like she didn't want a party.
Realmente parecía que Bobbie no quería tener una fiesta.
You know, for what it's worth, she really seemed cold.
Ya sabes, por lo que vale la pena, ella realmente parecía fría.
It really seemed as though he must be right.
Realmente, parecía que estaba en lo cierto.
He really seemed to think she might be guilty.
Realmente parecía pensar que ella era la culpable.
This was what the conquest of power really seemed to mean.
Eso era lo que realmente parecía significar la conquista del poder.
He left the picture and went back on deck, more worried than he was it really seemed.
Salió del cuadro, y subió a cubierta más preocupado de lo que realmente parecía.
“Burger had planned such a triumphant entry that it really seemed a shame to spoil it.”
—Burger había proyectado hacer una entrada tan triunfal, que realmente parecía una lástima estropeársela.
They really seemed to like being with Herbie, and the more time Frank spent with the guy, the more he did, too.
Realmente parecía que les gustaba estar con Herbie y, a medida que pasaba más tiempo con él, a Frank le pasaba lo mismo.
    They got back to their little hut at last and all-of mem were delighted to see it. It really seemed like coming home.
Al fin llegaron a la cabaña y todos se alegraron al verla: realmente parecía como si regresasen a casa.
she’d always been centered, so much so that Kathy had been envious, but now Yuko really seemed to have things figured out.
siempre había estado centrada, tanto que Kathy la había envidiado, pero ahora realmente parecía tenerlo todo resuelto.
It was a thing of art with him, and maybe he had not been joking when he said he kept strong by lying down, since it really seemed to add to his vitality.
Tumbarse era en él un arte, y a lo mejor no fue una broma aquello que dijo de que estar tumbado le mantenía fuerte, ya que realmente parecía aumentar su vitalidad.
Several men gathered around the corpse, no one decided to give chase to the murderer: either we were all afraid, or it did not really seem to matter to anyone.
Varios hombres rodeaban el cadáver, nadie se decidía a salir en persecución del asesino: o a todos nos daba miedo, o a nadie realmente parecía importarle.
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