Similar context phrases
Translation examples
The dangers of prolonging the status quo were obvious.
Sin duda es peligroso prolongar esa situación.
In the event that the preliminary investigation needs to be prolonged, and in the absence of reasons to free the accused, custody may be prolonged up to six months. Custody may be prolonged up to twelve months in relation to certain grave crimes, such as murder, terrorism, etc.
Si fuera preciso prolongar la instrucción del sumario y si no median razones para soltar al acusado, la detención se podrá prolongar como máximo 6 meses, pero por ciertos delitos graves como asesinato, terrorismo, etc. se la podrá prolongar hasta 12 meses.
The debate on this matter should not be artificially prolonged.
No se debería prolongar artificialmente el debate sobre este tema.
It is not at all my intention to prolong this sort of discussion.
No es en absoluto mi intención prolongar este tipo de debate.
However, she did not wish to prolong the discussion.
Sin embargo, la representante de Cuba no desea prolongar el debate.
I am not in favour of just prolonging the informals.
No estoy a favor de prolongar las sesiones oficiosas.
There was no need to prolong the discussion any further.
No es, pues, necesario prolongar el debate.
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