Translation for "possessing was" to spanish
Translation examples
To possess another language, Charlemagne tells us, is to possess another soul.
Poseer otra lengua, nos dice Carlomagno, es poseer otra alma.
And he wanted then, again, to take possess have take possess possess the body in which this memory resided.
Y entonces Louis deseó, de nuevo, tomar poseer tener poseer poseer el cuerpo que albergaba dicho recuerdo.
Possessing in order not to die.
Poseer para no morir.
“To possess such a thing—”
– Poseer semejante tesoro…
But could not quite possess completely
pero no pudimos poseer del todo,
To possess, if you like, a soul.
Para poseer, como tú, un alma.
Furthermore, rationalizations for the continued possession of nuclear weapons need to be discarded.
Además, debe descartarse todo intento de racionalizar el hecho de seguir poseyendo armas nucleares.
This is due to the fact that Israel continues to possess a nuclear weapons arsenal and their means of delivery.
Esto se debe al hecho de que Israel sigue poseyendo un arsenal de armas nucleares y sus sistemas vectores.
Israel continues to possess the most sophisticated and deadliest of weapons.
Israel sigue poseyendo las armas más sofisticadas y mortíferas.
As a result, the continued possession of nuclear weapons serves as a potential driver of proliferation.
Como resultado de ello, el hecho de seguir poseyendo armas nucleares es un factor potencial de proliferación.
Non-proliferation is not meant to ensure the continued possession of nuclear weapons by powerful States.
La no proliferación no tiene por objeto garantizar que los Estados poderosos sigan poseyendo armas nucleares.
However, there is strong evidence indicating that many households still possess small weapons.
Sin embargo, existen pruebas fehacientes que indican que en muchos hogares se siguen poseyendo armas cortas.
And the thing that was possessing her?
—¿Y lo que la estaba poseyendo?
“Will she know I’m possessing her?”
—¿Sabrá que la estoy poseyendo?
The only way I know is by possessing everybody.
La única manera que conozco es poseyendo a todos.
There are no kas and bas that take possession of people’s bodies.
No hay kas ni bas poseyendo cuerpos.
Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?
¿Es que sólo él, Winston, seguía poseyendo memoria?
The object finally possesses the possessor.
El objeto acaba finalmente poseyendo a su dueño.
He possessed the magic, but it was inside him, not outside.
Seguía poseyendo la magia, pero estaba en su interior, no en el exterior.
“The bit of soul in that diary was possessing Ginny, wasn’t it?
El trozo de alma de ese diario estaba poseyendo a Ginny, ¿no?
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