Translation for "opening and closing" to spanish
Translation examples
[opening and closing truck's door] [engine starts]
[abriendo y cerrando puerta de camioneta] [encendiendo el motor de camioneta]
These huge casino joints keep opening and closing.
Enormes uniones de casinos abriendo y cerrando.
I couldn't have people opening and closing the door all night.
No podía tener a la gente abriendo y cerrando la puerta toda la noche.
He used to... signal by opening and closing the curtains.
Solíamos... avisarnos abriendo y cerrando las cortinas.
You can see which doors are opening and closing.
Puedes ver qué puertas se están abriendo y cerrando.
Why not? Opening and closing the latch. That's what activates it.
Abriendo y cerrando se activa.
Abriendo y cerrando el caso ¶
He's constantly moving money, Opening and closing bank accounts.
Mueve dinero constantemente abriendo y cerrando cuentas bancarias.
He's opening and closing the drawers.
Está abriendo y cerrando los cajones.
Keep opening and closing the constriction in the ram field.
Abriendo y cerrando la constricción del campo de empuje.
He spoke in fragments, opening and closing his hand.
Hablaba a retazos, abriendo y cerrando la mano.
The circle opened and closed upon him.
El apretado círculo fue abriendo y cerrando, hasta dejarle en el centro.
She waves, her fingers opening and closing like a fluttering wing.
Ella se despide de ellos, abriendo y cerrando los dedos como un aleteo.
He gave a slow nod, his hands opening and closing slowly.
Asintió lentamente, abriendo y cerrando las manos.
It sounded like Scott was opening and closing cabinets in the kitchen.
Parecía que Scott estaba abriendo y cerrando armarios en la cocina.
He stared at them, opening and closing his mouth.
Miró al príncipe y al nigromante, abriendo y cerrando la boca.
It trembled slightly, opening and closing its pincers and pedipalps.
Se estremecía levemente, abriendo y cerrando las pinzas y los pedipalpos.
The opening and closing prices reported in the Shanghai Communist paper
Los precios de apertura y cierre... aparecían en el diario Shanghai Communist.
The order of opening and closing statements was determined this afternoon by lot.
El orden de los discursos de apertura y cierre fue establecido esta tarde por sorteo.
(SUV doors open and close, gravel clatters)
(Puertas SUV de apertura y cierre, grava traquetea)
It was gonna be a "how to" about opening and closing arguments.
Iba a tratarse de cómo hacer los argumentos de apertura y cierre.
Not according to "open and close logging"
No de acuerdo con el "registro de apertura y cierre"
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