Translation for "motherly" to spanish
Translation examples
Women are expected to show motherliness and not "to act tough" hence security service were considered the preserve of men.
Se espera que la mujer exhiba actitudes maternales, y no que actúe con dureza, por lo que los servicios de seguridad se consideraban reservados a los hombres.
Dry nurses and kindergarteners are encouraged to care for the children with warm motherly love and in a scientific and cultured manner and their performance is evaluated in terms of the intellectual and physical development of the children under their care.
11. Se alienta a las niñeras y las cuidadoras de los jardines de infancia a cuidar a los niños con cariño maternal y de manera científica y culta y su desempeño se evalúa en función del desarrollo intelectual y físico de los niños a su cargo.
Female students think that successful woman is educated, with developed motherly feelings, economically independent and at the end of the list they have put her engagement in public life.
Las alumnas piensan que la mujer que ha tenido éxito es instruida, posee sentimientos maternales desarrollados, es económicamente independiente y, al final de la lista, han situado su intervención en la vida pública.
Or motherly and protective.
O maternal y protectora.
Such motherly concern for the subject.
Qué preocupación maternal.
Elisa has no motherly feelings.
¡Elisa...sin sentimientos maternales!
How un-motherly of you.
Qué poco maternal eres.
She's so motherly.
Es tan maternal.
Is that your motherly advice?
¿Ése es tu consejo maternal?
Feel my motherly wrath!
¡Siente mi cólera maternal!
- Not matronly, motherly.
- No matronal, maternal.
I can be motherly.
Puedo ser maternal.
Ah! Motherly compassion. Very sweet.
Compasión maternal, qué hermoso.
Indeed, she was motherly.
De hecho era maternal con ellos.
It was almost a motherly gesture.
Fue un gesto casi maternal—.
A kind of motherly friend.
Una especie de amiga maternal.
I'd describe you both as 'motherly.' "
Os describiría como «maternales».
It doesn’t seem very motherly to me.”
No me parece muy maternal.
He’s motherly, Dryas thought.
Es maternal, pensó Dryas.
I was a mother; but never motherly.
Yo fui madre, pero nunca maternal.
It was such simple, motherly scorn.
Era una reprimenda tan simple y maternal.
The motherly woman was still there.
La mujer maternal seguía allí.
But when the more she tries to act all caring and motherly... The more it pisses me off.
Pero cuanto más trata de actuar atenta y maternalmente más me molesta.
She used to touch me a lot, in a motherly way, when I was little.
Solía tocarme mucho, maternalmente, cuando yo era chica.
She dreamed the woman kissed her forehead, motherly.
Cora soñó que la mujer le besaba la frente maternalmente.
“He was so darling.” Her lips pursed, babytalk-wise, motherly.
—Era tan rico —avanzó los labios, como un bebé, maternalmente—.
Her hair smells like citrus, and she hugs all tight and motherly.
Su cabello huele a cítricos, y me estrecha maternalmente y con fuerza.
Bathsheba had the scheming, pushy motherliness of latter-day Mrs. Singer.
Betsabé, al modo de la señora Singer de nuestros días, era maternalmente intrigante y prepotente.
The kindly women were there again and took a motherly interest in us.
Aquellas simpáticas mujeres, las mismas que vimos la primera vez, se interesaron maternalmente por nosotros.
Then she put her other hand under his face and tickled it in a motherly way.
Luego, puso su otra mano debajo de la cara de Haze y la acarició maternalmente.
In her presence the fearful secrets of the all-powerful state were uttered aloud, and she smiled her benign motherly smile.
En su presencia se hablaba de escalofriantes secretos de Estado: ella sonreía maternalmente.
       "Hello, urn, Polly," she said-motherly, matronly, indistinguishable from any other woman.
—Hola, eh… Polly —dijo maternalmente, matronalmente, como cualquier otra mujer.
As you already know, biblical women blend motherly nurturing with a pinch of practical wisdom.
Como ya saben, las mujeres bíblicas combinan el proporcionar alimento maternalmente con una pizca de sabiduría práctica.
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