Translation for "incompletely" to spanish
Translation examples
Some kind of Peacekeeper comms enhancer, incomplete installation, though Moya must have been called into service as a prisoner transport before it was finished.
Algun tipo de comunicador Pacificador. Creo que instalado incompletamente. Moya debe haber sido llamado al servicio como transporte de prisioneros... antes de que lo terminaran.
He could not bear to complete incompletely.
No toleraba completar incompletamente”.
Incompletely decomposed corpses lay strewn amongst the bones this time.
Esta vez yacían cadáveres incompletamente descompuestos esparcidos entre los huesos.
she felt incompletely secure, and he could sense the pressures on her mind.
ella se sentía incompletamente segura, y él podía sentir las presiones en su mente.
That's her problem one thinks mistakenly or incompletely, or that's his problem, when someone is preparing to ask us something.
Allá ella, piensa uno equivocada o incompletamente, o allá él, cuando alguien se dispone a pedirnos algo.
She had not finished editing her father’s works, she had not written her own, for she did not like to complete incompletely.
No había terminado de editar las obras de su padre; no había escrito su propia obra, porque no le gustaba completar incompletamente.
What did the noocytes do with people who couldn’t handle the change, who went crazy—or who, as was hinted, died incompletely assimilated, leaving partial memories, like Vergil’s partial in Bernard’s own body?
¿Qué habían hecho los noocitos de la gente que no podía aguantar el cambio, que se había vuelto loca —o que, como habían insinuado, murió al ser incompletamente asimilada, dejando memorias parciales, como la memoria de Vergil en el propio cuerpo de Bernard?
National defeat in 1918, arbitrarily and incompletely brought home, together with the slump of 1929—which, as Canetti has noted, weakened the inmost fabric of social coherence by making currency ephemeral and ridiculous—opened the trap door.
El fracaso nacional de 1918 penetró arbitraria e incompletamente y junto con el hundimiento de 1929 —que, como ha observado Canetti, debilitó el conjunto de la coherencia social haciendo que la sensatez se convirtiera en efímera y ridícula— abrió la puerta de la trampa.
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