Translation for "inbetween" to spanish
Translation examples
Kimberly Emberg was sort of inbetween, big, but with a good waist indention...
Kimberly Emberg estaba a medio camino; era corpulenta, pero tenía cintura.
Like you just got your summer clothes out and then its Christmas and inbetween there are ten years of pain.
Es como si un día dejas de ponerte la ropa de verano y entonces es Navidad y en el medio hay diez años de dolor.
Harry and Marion were getting off twice a day, sometimes more, and inbetween were smoking a lot of pot and dropping an occasional pill.
Harry y Marion se picaban algo dos veces al día, a veces más, y entre medias fumaban mucho costo y tomaban ocasionalmente alguna anfeta.
"That just means humans are kind of inbetween - still partly wild animals, doing whatever it takes to survive, and partly . partly I don't know what.
Quieres decir que los humanos estamos a medio camino, en parte somos animales y hacemos lo que sea para sobrevivir, y en parte… algo que ni siquiera sabría explicar qué es, algo de lo que carece el resto de los animales.
2 verses with 5 syllabi and 1 verse with 7 syllabi inbetween.
2 versos con 5 sílabas y 1 verso con 7 sílabas intermedias.
You're forgetting about the inbetweens.
Te olvidas de los intermedios.
There was a fat one, a thin one & an inbetween one with a lost, ingenuous expression which was decidedly heart-stopping.
Uno era gordo, otro delgado y otro intermedio, con una expresión perdida, ingenua, francamente cautivadora.
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