Translation for "himself unworthy" to spanish
Translation examples
Down deep, the Broken King felt himself unworthy to sit the Iron Throne.
En lo profundo de su ser, el Rey Quebrado se sentía indigno de ocupar el Trono de Hierro.
Perhaps he, the former convict, still felt himself unworthy to do so! Page 223
Tal vez, como antiguo presidiario, se sentía indigno de unirse a ellos.
With salty sorrow in his throat, he entered the vestibule. He knew himself unworthy of benediction, yet grateful to discover sanctuary even here among the machinery of hell.
Con sal de tristeza en la garganta, entró en el vestíbulo, sabiéndose indigno de bendición, pero agradecido al menos de descubrir este santuario aquí, entre la maquinaria del infierno.
In his innocence he requested crucifixion in a form not identical with that of his master, for which he professed himself unworthy: let him be nailed to a Greek chi or on a regular Roman T inverted.
En su inocencia, solicitó que no se le crucificara del mismo modo que a su maestro, porque se consideraba indigno de ello: que lo clavaran a una ji griega o a una T romana invertida.
Can’t you find the peace you seek right here, in this church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, the man who in his modesty declared himself unworthy to baptise Christ?’
¿No encuentras algo de la paz que buscas, al menos en la iglesia Saint John the Baptist, dedicada al Bautista, un hombre que en su humildad se declaró indigno de bautizar a Cristo?
A glorious instance, he described it, of matchless, Royalist valour. He pronounced in emotional terms a brief funeral oration over the great leader whom he deemed himself unworthy to succeed—a confession which none mistook for a conviction—and he invited these gentlemen of his staff to offer suggestions for the immediate course of action now to be adopted.
Acto seguido pronunció en emocionados términos una breve oración fúnebre en honor del gran jefe, de quien la suerte le había hecho indigno sucesor, confesión que nadie tomó por convicción, y terminó invitando a los caballeros de su estado mayor a ofrecerle sus sugestiones para el inmediato curso de acción que debiera adoptarse.
Men were always trying to ingratiate themselves with her, after all, and yes, maybe she had said something to the effect that Max Ophuls was a bastard and she wished he was dead, but that was just her way of talking, she was an artist of passion, a hot-blooded woman, and how else should such a woman speak of a man who had proved himself unworthy of her love?
Después de todo, los hombres trataban siempre de congraciarse con ella y, sí, tal vez ella hubiera dicho algo en el sentido de que Max Ophuls era un hijo de puta y le gustaría verlo muerto, pero era solo su forma de hablar, ella era una artista apasionada, una mujer de sangre caliente, y ¿de qué otra forma podía hablar una mujer de un hombre que había demostrado ser indigno de su amor?
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