Translation for "hide her" to spanish
Translation examples
“And then you’ve got to hide her.”
—Después tiene que esconderla.
How would they hide her?
¿Cómo iban a esconderla?
I shall not hide her on Barsoom,
—No pienso esconderla en Barsoom.
“I didn’t! They soon took her away to hide her.
—¡No! Porque se la llevaron para esconderla.
“I couldn’t hide her if I—”
No podría esconderla aquí si yo…
I thought best to hide her here.
Pensé que lo mejor sería esconderla aquí.
"I'm taking her to Lienid to hide her from...
Debo llevarla a Lenidia para esconderla de...
This was a good place to hide her, Sharpe thought.
Era un buen lugar para esconderla, pensó Sharpe.
Probably there was no such safe place to hide her and the baby.
Probablemente no existía un lugar seguro para esconderlos a ella y al bebé.
Rags cannot hide her gentle grace.
Sus andrajos no pueden ocultar su gracia.
Could she have been hiding her weight gain?
¿Pudo ocultar su aumento de peso?
- to hide her address.
- ...para ocultar su dirección.
Couldn't hide her happiness, her euphoria.
No podía ocultar su felicidad, su euforia.
She must close them to hide her heart.
Debe cerrarlos para ocultar su corazón.
You killed her. You tried to hide her body.
Intentaste ocultar su cuerpo.
Why would she want to hide her identity?
¿Por qué ocultar su identidad?
To hide her deformed finger.
Para ocultar su dedo deformado.
.. where should I hide her body?
.. donde puedo ocultar su cuerpo?
Look how she tries to hide her age!
"¡Mirad! ¡Quiere ocultar su edad!"
She could not hide her as­ton­ish­ment.
—no fue capaz de ocultar su estupor.
She can’t hide her surprise.
No logra ocultar su sorpresa.
She couldn’t hide her disappointment.
No pudo ocultar su desilusión.
She was failing to hide her smile.
—No conseguía ocultar su sonrisa.
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