Translation for "hang from" to spanish
Hang from
Translation examples
You're holding onto this thing like you're hanging from it.
Lo estás sosteniendo como si colgaras de él.
Then he will be hanging from a yardarm by the week's out.
Entonces colgará de un penol antes de acabar la semana.
Balls are not supposed to be hanging from trees.
Las bolas no deberían colgar de los árboles.
The tent's supposed to hang from the frames, not over them.
La tienda debería colgar de los marcos, no sobre ellos.
It hangs from a rope government.
Colgará de una soga del gobierno.
Their bloody heads would hang from the royal gates.
Su cabeza podría colgar de las Puertas Reales. No.
Tell him he'll hang from the yardarm.
Digale que le haré colgar de un penol.
I can think of better things to hang from those hooks.
Hay cosas mejores qué colgar de esos ganchos.
Your ghost will hang from the tree...
Tu fantasma colgará de este árbol...
I want to disembowel them. I want to see entrails hanging from trees.
Quiero desmembrarlos, ver sus entrañas colgar de un árbol.
I will hang from the tree.
Me colgaré de un árbol.
Didn't you see it hanging from his belt?
¿No lo viste colgar de su cinturón?
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