Translation for "half way through" to spanish
Translation examples
And I distinctly remember it wasn't till half way through the case - when you reminded me about her smelly little Pekingese, what was its name...
Estábamos a medio camino cuando me recordaste su Pequinés apestoso.
We're about half way through.
Estamos a medio camino.
I also don't like to stop things half way through.
Tampoco me gusta parar las cosas a medio camino.
I always give up when I'm half way through doing something
Siempre me rindo cuando estoy a medio camino de hacer algo.
'Couldn't be,' Barney said, half-way through the gap.
—No —dijo Barney, que estaba a medio camino—.
He was half-way through a novel and had stopped work in early summer.
A principios del verano había dejado de escribir, pese a estar a medio camino en la creación de una novela.
When he was only half way through the door, he stalled it again and this time he removed the keys and pocketed them.
A medio camino de la entrada caló de nuevo el motor y esta vez quitó las llaves y se las metió en un bolsillo.
I had paused half way through the hatchway, looking back, still astonished beyond measure at the grotesque ugliness of this black-faced creature.
Me había detenido a medio camino, observando todavía atónito la grotesca fealdad de aquella criatura de rostro negro.
He was half-way through the rusting bars, vaguely aware that Giordino was standing oddly quiet with Teri still slung over a shoulder, when he heard a loud contemptuous laugh roar beside the archway.
Se encontraba a medio camino de cruzar los oxidados barrotes, vagamente consciente de que Giordino estaba de pie, extrañamente inmóvil, con Teri todavía echada en su hombro, cuando oyó de pronto una risotada despectiva que surgió desde un lado del arco.
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