Translation for "great crowds" to spanish
Translation examples
And you'll have to have plenty of new dresses made, for there will be many great occasions and banquets along the way, and great crowds will come to see your magnificence.
Y le serán confeccionados muchos vestidos nuevos para los que habrá grandes ocasiones y banquetes a lo largo del camino y grandes multitudes vendrán a ver su magnificencia.
They gathered in great crowds by barracks and army hospitals.
Se reunieron en grandes multitudes frente a los barracones y hospitales del ejército.
There was only a handful of them, compared to the great crowds of his Macedonians, and of the Mongols.
Eran muy pocos comparados con las grandes multitudes de sus macedonios y con las hordas mongolas.
I've never been. And I'm going! And there'll be great crowds at the ship to meet me, asking for my power!
Nunca he estado allí. ¡Pero iré! ¡E irán grandes multitudes al barco para buscarme, pidiendo mis fuerzas sagradas!
After all those weeks of getting there, China seemed shabby and busy and orderly, with great crowds of people, and glaring lights and the sharp smell of burning coal.
Después de tantas semanas de viaje, China parecía tener un aspecto lastimoso, ajetreado y ordenado, con grandes multitudes, luces cegadoras y el olor penetrante a carbón de quemar.
He imagined great crowds of people moving to his song, and worlds moving in their paths around their suns according to his word, and the very stars moving left or right, near or far as he wished it.
Imaginó grandes multitudes moviéndose al son de su canto, y mundos siguiendo el ritmo alrededor de sus soles obedeciendo su palabra, y las propias estrellas moviéndose a derecha e izquierda, cerca o lejos, según lo deseara.
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