Translation for "gluttonously" to spanish
Translation examples
They had all been drinking furiously, gluttonously, not counting cups. Page 28
Todos se habían puesto a beber furiosamente, glotonamente, sin contar los vasos.
They also discover that the parasite was a glutton for absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and exuding oxygen.
Descubrieron también que el parásito absorbía glotonamente el dióxido de carbono del aire, transformándolo en oxígeno.
He was there among the others, blind, stumbling, mumbling at his hands, seizing gluttonously upon his food.
Estaba allí, entre los demás, ciego, tambaleante, agitando las manos, tomando glotonamente la comida.
Already the engine bonnet was covered by soft yellow mush, and it was pouring gluttonously over the doors and filling the interior.
El capó ya estaba cubierto de una pasta amarilla, que entraba glotonamente por las puertas, llenando el interior.
It was the merest fleeting glance she had, this colorsnapshot of the two dark and resplendently beautiful young people lolling against a tree trunk: with arms full of school-books yet as abandoned as David and Bathsheba, they stood pressed together kissing with the urgent hunger of animals devouring each other's substance, and their tongues thrust and explored each other gluttonously, the darting flesh visible through the black mantle of the girl's rich cascading hair. The instant passed.
Fue la rápida visión, la instantánea en color de dos hermosos jóvenes de piel oscura arrullándose contra el tronco de un árbol: con los brazos llenos de libros, abandonados el uno al otro como David y Betsabé, se apretujaban y besaban con el hambre devoradora de dos animales que quisieran engullirse mutuamente su sustancia; sus nerviosas lenguas se exploraban glotonamente entre sí, carne vibrante apenas oculta por el negro manto de la abundante cabellera de la muchacha que caía sobre sus hombros como una cascada.
You bet. Take a glutton.
La gula, por ejemplo.
I was gluttonous and ate on although I was full.
...he sido inmoderada y y he pecado de gula.
The short man was a born glutton
El hombre bajo nació con gula.
Roger was a glutton for his midnight musings.
Roger aguardaba esos momentos con algo parecido a la gula.
See Quzah, who holds the rainbow ... is this not a glut of gods, a stone flood, to feed the glutton hunger of the pilgrims, to quench their unholy thirst.
Mira a Quzah, que sostiene el arco iris… No es esto una inundación de dioses, una riada de piedra, para alimentar la gula de los peregrinos, para saciar su sed profana.
Strange, Dr. Killgore thought. The Shiva had taken its time to assert itself, but then once it had started affecting the test subject's body, it had gone to town, eating away like a glutton at a feast.
Raro, pensó el Dr. Killgore. Shiva había tardado en afirmarse, pero una vez desatado comenzó a devorar el cuerpo de la joven con la gula de un glotón de fiesta.
Pons is a glutton. To satisfy his ignoble craving he thrusts his company at dinner-time on people who plainly resent it, and rather than go without good food and good wine will submit to the coldness, the acidulous greeting of his unwilling hosts and the sneers of their servants.
Pons es un glotón. Para satisfacer su innoble gula impone su presencia a las horas de la comida a personas que sabe que lo detestan, y antes que pasarse sin comida y buenos vinos soporta la frialdad, el acre recibimiento de sus forzados huéspedes y las sonrisas de los criados.
He was handsome enough, in his own way—older than Melanthe by near a score of years and yet lithe as a youth—an Allegreto with the sureness of age and power on him. Gluttonous indulgence was not his vice; he lived austere as a monk but for the fashions in clothing that he liked to set.
A su modo, Gian era bastante atractivo: casi veinte años mayor que ella y, sin embargo, ágil como un joven; un Allegreto, con la seguridad que daban la edad y el poder. La gula no era su pecado, y vivía con austeridad monacal, a excepción de las modas en el vestir que le gustaba imponer.
The stench of putrefying flesh mingled with the gases from ruptured entrails and drove the skulking scavengers to fresh paroxysms of gluttonous anticipation. The helicopter carried each haunch or shoulder as it was hacked free to the safe ground beyond the minefield. The women cut the meat into strips and festooned it on the smoking racks above the smouldering fires of green wood.
El hedor de la carne putrefacta se mezclaba con el de los gases de las vísceras perforadas y enloquecía de gula a las aves de rapiña. Cuando los carniceros terminaban de separar un anca u hombro, el helicóptero lo sacaba del campo minado, las mujeres lo cortaban en lonjas y las colgaban sobre las brasas humeantes de leña verde.
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