Translation for "flyweight" to spanish
Translation examples
Digger’s our local flyweight –’
Digger es nuestro peso mosca local…
"It's no flyweight," Bruce agreed.
—Sí, no es precisamente un peso mosca —convino Bruce—.
'Once I loved this little flyweight,' she continued.
—Yo quería a un pequeño peso mosca, —continuó—.
My flyweight had mashed potato for brains.
Mi peso mosca tenía puré de patata en vez de cerebro.
But I didn't see any of them, just my darling little flyweight.
Pero yo no les hacía ni caso, sólo miraba a mi querido peso mosca.
“A flyweight,” I guessed. He shrugged. “More like a fleaweight,” he said.
Peso mosca —conjeturé. Se encogió de hombros y dijo: —Más bien peso pulga.
Me and that little flyweight, we used to travel all over the Transvaal and once to the Orange Free State to fight.
Yo y aquel pequeño peso mosca, íbamos boxeando por todo el Transvaal, y una vez fuimos al Estado Libre de Orange.
‘You’re annoyed because I called you a “flyweight”, but I didn’t mean it,’ said Sebastián, almost in tears now.
«Te has puesto así porque te he llamado peso mosca. Pero ha sido sin querer», se defendió Sebastián a punto de echarse a llorar.
He was about the size of a flyweight boxer, dark-haired, hard and muscled, with a flattened nose. He looked like an OK type of guy.
El tipo era del tamaño de un boxeador de peso mosca, era moreno, fibroso y musculado, y tenía la nariz plana.
There was never another flyweight to fight, the Boere like to see the bigger men and so he always had to fight way out of his division.
No había nunca otro peso mosca para boxear con él, a los bóers les gusta ver pelear a los hombres más grandes, así que siempre tenía que combatir con pesos superiores.
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