Translation for "fair maiden" to spanish
Translation examples
My humblest apologies, fair maiden.
Mis mas humildes disculpas, hada madrina.
- Well, hello, fair maiden.
- Bueno, hola, hada madrina.
«Rescuing the fair maiden from the tower?»
—¿Rescatar a la rubia doncella de la torre?
Want to play the hero, rescuing fair maidens?
¿Quieres hacerte el héroe, defensor de doncellas?
Tales of knights and fair maidens, of gods and goddesses, of quests and adventures.
Historias de caballeros y bellas doncellas, de dioses y diosas, de búsquedas y aventuras.
Choose any other boon—fair maidens, chariots, musical instruments.
Elige cualquier otra gracia..., hermosas doncellas, carruajes, instrumentos musicales.
I am the fair maiden pent in the castle keep, held in durance vile.
Yo soy la hermosa doncella recluida en el torreón del castillo, retenida a perpetuidad.
Among that people was a very fair maiden and she was named Failivrin, and her father was Galweg;
Entre esas gentes vivía una hermosa doncella llamada Failivrin, cuyo padre era Galweg;
This man had a daughter, Gunnvor, a fair maiden whom Eyvind soon began to woo.
Éste tenía una hija, Gunnvor, una bella doncella a la que Eyvind pronto empezó a cortejar.
I have it in my mind to take thee to the tents of the Olhonod, where they have fair maidens with good dowries.
He pensado llevarte hasta las tiendas de Olhamod, donde tienen hermosas doncellas con buenas dotes.
If ever this tale were told, Taeros Hawkwinter would be foremost among the fair maidens' defenders.
Si alguna vez se contaba este episodio, Taeros Halcón Invernal sería el primero en acudir en defensa de las doncellas.
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