Translation for "even ridiculous" to spanish
Translation examples
Such interference seems to me objectionable, harmful, and even ridiculous.
Dicha interferencia me parece objetable, dañina e incluso ridícula.
He can make any number of mistakes, even ridiculous ones.
Puede cometer una cantidad de errores, incluso ridículos.
Some people found such proclamations juvenile, even ridiculous;
A ciertas personas, tales proclamas les parecían infantiles, incluso ridículas;
Joshua, pivoting on his walking cane, felt self-conscious, even ridiculous.
Joshua, pivotando sobre el bastón, se sentía avergonzado, incluso ridículo.
In comparison to the fruit of older European countries, the American exhibit indeed appeared primitive and barren—even ridiculous;
En comparación con el fruto de las naciones europeas más viejas, la exposición estadounidense parecía de veras primitiva y escuálida, incluso ridícula;
But indeed he was in a position so entirely false (and even ridiculous) that all his habit of command and arts of pleasing were here thrown away.
En realidad, su posición resultaba enteramente falsa, incluso ridícula, y tanto sus dotes de mando como sus habilidades sociales estaban allí fuera de lugar.
He felt rough, but his head was already spinning with the advanced, perhaps even ridiculous notion that they were already bona fide boyfriend and girlfriend.
Tenía mal cuerpo, pero la cabeza ya le daba vueltas con la noción prematura, quizá incluso ridicula, de que ya eran novios con todas las de la ley.
I appreciate the fact that this whole matter is distasteful to you, that you have been forced into it against your will, that you feel you are playing an undignified and even ridiculous part.
Tomo en consideración el hecho de que todo este asunto es desagradable para usted, que ha sido obligado a ello en contra de su voluntad, que se da cuenta de que está interpretando una parte poco digna e incluso ridícula.
She probably suspected that once I got used to being at a boys’ school the memory of having had a female playmate would grow dim and seem unworthy, even ridiculous.
Probablemente mi madre sospechaba que cuando me acostumbrase a estar en un colegio de chicos el recuerdo de haber tenido una compañera de juegos se iría difuminando y me parecería algo indigno, incluso ridículo.
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