Translation for "doing deal" to spanish
Translation examples
They're busy doing deals.
Están haciendo tratos.
And in the meantime, you were doing deals with outsiders.
Y mientras tanto, estabas haciendo tratos con extraños.
He's doing deals with Tieri, even from prison.
Está haciendo tratos con Tieri, incluso desde la cárcel.
An open-air background was considered important. It was about being seen out there in the world with your peers, talking, joking, joshing, rubbing shoulders, doing deals, being just as important as everyone else.
Se consideraba importante hacerla al aire libre, porque también tenía que ver con que te mostrases al mundo con tus iguales, hablando, bromeando, tomándoles el pelo, codeándote, haciendo tratos, siendo tan importante como el que más.
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