Translation for "displeased" to spanish
Translation examples
70. Mr. SOLARI YRIGOYEN said he had been very displeased to find in his file documents relating to the Malvinas (Falklands), implying that the territory was considered as belonging to the United Kingdom.
70. El Sr. SOLARI YRIGOYEN dice que le ha disgustado hallar en su expediente documentos relativos a las Malvinas (Falklands), lo que da a entender que se considera que el territorio pertenece al Reino Unido.
Herr Sultan is displeased?
¿El sultán está disgustado?
- You're not displeased?
- ¿No estás disgustado?
I am most displeased.
Estoy muy disgustado.
I am gravely displeased.
Estoy profundamente disgustado.
- They don't look displeased.
- No parecen disgustados.
I am seriously displeased!
¡Estoy tremendamente disgustada!
You seem displeased, Marshal.
- Parece disgustado, Marshall.
Safer still... displeased.
Aún más suave, disgustado.
I am most seriously displeased.
¡Estoy sumamente disgustada!
“And she displeases you?”
—¿Y te ha disgustado?
We are much displeased!
Estamos muy disgustados.
The hammers are displeased.
Los martillos están disgustados.
Argyll was displeased.
Argyll estaba disgustado.
He is displeased with me.
Está disgustado conmigo.
I have not displeased.
No he disgustado a nadie.
He/she is displeased because I agreed to his/her game?
¿Está enojado porqué descubrí su juego?
'...of whom may we seek for succour, but of thee, O Lord... '...who for our sins art justly displeased?
"...a quién acudiremos por socorro sino a ti, oh Señor," "que estás enojado justamente por nuestros pecados?"
King Xerxes is displeased with his generals.
El Rey Xerxes está enojado con sus generales.
Count Olaf is very displeased with his bride.
El Conde Olaf está enojado con su novia.
Julius Caesar here is going to be very displeased with you, Ornshaw.
Julio César va a estar enojado contigo, Onshaw.
The emperor is displeased.
El emperador está enojado.
Are you displeased with me, Grandfather?
¿Estás enojado conmigo, abuelo?
If I am displeased, even celestial nymphs would fall at my feet!
¡Si estoy enojado, incluso las ninfas celestiales podrían caer a mis pies!
Go in and tell my lady I am gone, having displeased my father,... Friar Laurence to make confession and be absolved.
Entra a decir a mi madre, que por haber enojado a mi padre, me he ido a la celda de Fray Lorenzo a que me confiese y me absuelva.
We are displeased with you.
Estamos muy enojados con vos.
Angela was displeased with Sammler.
Angela estaba enojada con Sammler.
Only a few in the crowd seemed displeased.
Sólo algunos entre la multitud parecieron enojados.
Charles was very evidently, and justly, displeased with her.
Evidentemente, Charles estaba enojado con ella, y con razón.
“Yes, I suppose so,” he said, obviously displeased.
—Sí, supongo que sí —contestó, enojado—.
Have I somehow displeased her?” Buyantu made only a teasing reply: “Do you miss her?
¿La he enojado en algo? Buyantu se limitó a contestarme provocándome: - ¿La echas de menos?
he said slowly in a displeased voice in German, addressing Emil and Pantaleone, who were following close on his heels.
—dijo, en alemán y con voz enojada, a Emilio y a Pantaleone, que le seguían paso a paso.
"This army can cross anything, it's already proved that," Lucullus answered, very displeased at their protest. "There's no path," said Silius.
–Este ejército puede atravesar lo que sea, eso ya está demostrado -respondió Lúculo, muy enojado por la protesta. –No hay ningún sendero -apuntó Silio.
Not old enough themselves to feel pity, they were as resentful as they were displeased at being given this self-opinionated millstone. And they took it out on young Metellus, not cruelly, just toughly.
Estós, cuya juventud no dejaba lugar a la compasión, se mostraron tan resentidos como enojados porque les encomendasen aquel testarudo estorbo, y la tomaron con el joven Metelo, si no cruelmente, sí con dureza.
The bridge collapsed because he is displeased.
El puente se derrumbó porque está ofendido.
- Have we displeased you?
- ¿Te hemos ofendido?
When the thunder clapped or the earth quaked, it was not because something you did had somehow displeased the very demanding gods.
Cuando el trueno estallaba o la tierra temblaba no era porque algo que hiciste hubiera ofendido de alguna manera a los muy exigentes dioses. No.
Have I displeased you, Takezo?
¿Te he ofendido, Takezo?
She had displeased me!
¡Me había ofendido!
I seem to have somehow displeased you;
Parece que le he ofendido de algún modo;
“Haf I displeased you, lady,” he said harshly, “that ye refuse my company?”
—¿Te he ofendido, señora —preguntó con amargura—, para que rechaces mi compañía?
Ron turned a little pink, but did not look displeased as he turned back to the sprouts.
Ron se puso un poco rosa, pero no pareció ofendido mientras volvía a sus coles.
He begged pardon for having displeased her. In a softened tone she declared herself not at all offended;
El se disculpó por haberla molestado y ella, en tono muy suave, le dijo que no estaba nada ofendida.
I must have done something to displease the Gods of Stone and Water. But it does no good to whine about it.
debo de haber hecho algo que ha ofendido a los Dioses de la Piedra y el Agua, pero no tiene sentido lamentarse.
The people said it was an omen, that the gods were displeased with Sulla, but still he seemed to be winning.
La gente decía que era un augurio, que Sila había ofendido a los dioses, aunque de todos modos, parecía que iba ganando.
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