Translation for "democratically" to spanish
Translation examples
These aspects are not characteristic of a democratically functioning organization.
Estos aspectos no son propios de una organización que funciona democráticamente.
It had to be defined democratically.
Debe definirse democráticamente.
Palestinians elected him democratically.
Los palestinos lo eligieron democráticamente.
That is the definition of the democratically elected Government.
Esa es la definición de Gobierno democráticamente elegido.
The fact that a democratically elected President succeeded another democratically elected President is to be welcomed as a significant step in the consolidation of democracy in Haiti.
El hecho de que un Presidente democráticamente elegido sucediera a otro Presidente democráticamente elegido ha de celebrarse como un hito importante en la consolidación de la democracia en Haití.
This is a democratic act.
Eso es actuar democráticamente.
There is a Parliament which was democratically elected.
Contaba con un Parlamento elegido democráticamente.
5. The Republics shall have democratically elected legislatures and democratically chosen chief executives and an independent judiciary.
5. Las repúblicas tendrán un poder legislativo democráticamente elegido y jefes ejecutivos elegidos democráticamente, así como un sistema judicial independiente.
The police was run along democratic lines.
La policía está dirigida democráticamente.
Let us think democratically.
Pensemos democráticamente.
He was democratically elected!
- ¡Fue elegido democráticamente!
Democratically, just like that.
Democráticamente, así como así.
it would govern itself democratically.
se gobernaría democráticamente.
We should do this democratically.
Hagamos esto democráticamente.
We've taken a democratic vote.
Hemos votado democráticamente.
- Democratically, of course.
- Democráticamente, por supuesto.
Hitler was elected democratically.
Hitler fue elegido democráticamente.
We'll settle it democratically.
Lo arreglaremos democráticamente.
so that was democratically permitted.
estaba permitido democráticamente.
Sharon was democratically elected.
Sharon fue elegido democráticamente.
Salute him democratically, ‘Dear Sir:’
Salúdale democráticamente: Muy señor mío:
Dolphin: The offer will be considered democratically.
DELFÍN: La oferta se estudiará democráticamente.
There is a new and democratically elected government there now.
En su país hay un nuevo gobierno, elegido democráticamente.
They should not be politicised and it was not their business to remove democratically elected governments.
No tenían por qué estar politizados y no era de su incumbencia derrocar democráticamente gobiernos electos.
The elegant salesman glided by as we did so and nodded at us democratically.
El elegante vendedor se deslizó y nos saludó democráticamente.
In each case the planets where they arrived were democratically governed.
En cada uno de los casos los planetas a los que llegaban eran gobernados democráticamente.
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