Translation for "cubby-hole" to spanish
Translation examples
These weren’t just any old plates and cutlery that the officers had eaten off, they were Captain Bligh’s own personal supply, a gift from his lady wife at the start of our voyage, and were taken from their cubby-hole and press-ganged into service whenever he entertained those men immediately below him for dinner.
No eran una cubertería y una vajilla cualesquiera, esas con que habían comido los oficiales, sino propiedad personal del capitán Bligh, un regalo de su señora esposa al inicio de nuestro viaje, y se sacaban de su chiribitil y se utilizaban siempre que recibía a sus subordinados inmediatos para cenar.
The man in the little cubby hole by the stage door recognised him.
El hombre en el cuchitril junto a la puerta del escenario le reconoció.
Doul led her away from that terrible little cubby-hole.
Doul la sacó de aquel terrible cuchitril.
The change had to be accomplished within the constricted space of the cubby hole in the wall.
Tenía que cambiarse en el reducido espacio del cuchitril abierto en la pared.
he even managed to rent a little cubby-hole of a ‘telegraph office’.
incluso consiguió alquilar un cuchitril a modo de «oficina de Telégrafos».
I was, in addition, about to lose my rights to the cubby-hole over the bar.
Además, estaba a punto de perder mi cuchitril encima del bar.
We steadied Mum between us and all walked into the nurse’s little cubby-hole.
Sujetando a mi madre entre los dos, nos encaminamos al cuchitril de la enfermera.
The library cubby-hole became a hotbed of cultural stratagems, surreal wit, and tomfoolery.
El cuchitril de la biblioteca se convirtió en un semillero de estratagemas culturales, agudeza surrealista y payasadas.
Only a little bigger than a cubby-hole, it had a single bed, a cupboard and a small desk and chair.
Era apenas un cuchitril de una sola cama, un armarito, un pequeño escritorio y una silla.
Two doors opened simultaneously, one from a cubby-hole under the eaves, one from behind an avenue or rank of mirrors at the far end of the room. From the cubby-hole Will crawled and stumbled. His face was tear-stained.
Dos puertas se abrieron al mismo tiempo, una de un cuchitril ubicado bajo el alero y otra escondida tras la hilera de espejos, en un extremo de la habitación. Del cuchitril salió arrastrándose Will, con el rostro manchado de lágrimas.
I routed James out of his cubby-hole at the Victoria and Albert, and made him take me to a print shop.
—Saqué a James de su cuchitril del Victoria and Albert y lo obligué a llevarme a una tienda de litografías.
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