Translation for "count duke" to spanish
Count duke
Translation examples
He/she Drinks with the Counts, Dukes, priests...
Bebe con los Condes, Duques, sacerdotes...
Counts, dukes, even kings will seek to stay there.
Condes, duques, hasta reyes querrán hospedarse ahí.
Make me a knight, cadet, count, duke or earl...
¡Hazme Caballero, Cadete, Conde, Duque o Barón y yo lucharé!
The Count Duke does not have to last forever.
El conde duque no tiene por qué durar siempre.
- No. - Barons, counts, dukes?
- No - ¿Barones, Condes, Duques?
I think this information might interest the Count Duke.
Creo que esta información podría interesarle al conde duque.
You should notify the Count Duke.
Habría que avisar al conde duque.
I'll give the letter to the Count-duke.
Le daré la carta al Conde Duque.
The Count Duke himself.
El mismísimo conde duque.
I turned to the count-duke.
Me volví hacia el conde-duque.
“When is Quevedo going to see the count-duke?”
—¿Cuándo verá Quevedo al conde-duque?
As far as the count-duke was concerned, such an enterprise justified any means.
Para el conde-duque, semejante empresa justificaba cualquier medio.
The count-duke again brought him up short, with that same slight gesture.
El conde-duque descartó aquello, alzando un poco la mano otra vez.
“Not of the stature of an Inquisitor General, a grandee of Spain, or a friend of the king, no, but I’ve asked for an audience with the count-duke.
—No de la categoría de un inquisidor general, de un grande de España o de un amigo del rey… Pero he pedido audiencia al conde-duque.
“He hasn’t gone that far,” I objected. “He’s merely promised to arrange for the captain to meet the count-duke.”
—Tampoco se compromete demasiado —objeté—. Sólo a arreglar una cita del capitán con el conde-duque.
It was said that the count-duke was spending ten thousand escudos on fêting the king and queen and their guests with both play and party.
Se decía que el conde-duque gastaba diez mil escudos en agasajar a los reyes y sus invitados con la comedia y la fiesta.
The count-duke, His Catholic Majesty’s favorite and adviser, nodded almost imperceptibly, without taking his eyes off me.
El conde-duque de Olivares, valido de Su Católica Majestad, asintió casi imperceptiblemente, sin dejar de observarme.
The count-duke still did not take his eyes off me, although his gaze seemed more curious now than angry.
El conde-duque no me quitaba la vista de encima. Sin embargo, sus ojos parecían ahora más curiosos que furibundos.
Their flat was frequented by counts, dukes, and the occasional prince, who either drove taxis or appeared as artists or singers at the opera.
Su piso era frecuentado por condes, duques y algún que otro príncipe, que o bien iban en taxi o bien aparecían como artistas o intérpretes en la ópera.
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