Translation for "clothes be" to spanish
Translation examples
IF ON CLOTHING: Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes.
EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LA ROPA: Enjuagar inmediatamente con agua abundante la ropa y la piel contaminadas antes de quitarse la ropa.
6. Women's clothes must not resemble men's clothes.
6. La ropa de la mujer no debe parecerse a la ropa del hombre.
IF ON CLOTHING: Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes. P307 + P311
EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LA ROPA: Lavar inmediatamente con agua abundante la ropa contaminada y la piel antes de quitarse la ropa.
Their clothes were peasants’ clothes.
Su ropa era ropa de campesino.
His other clothes were real clothes;
Su otra ropa sí era ropa de verdad;
“My clothes, the big clothes,” he said.
—Mi ropa. La ropa grande —dijo—.
And, Hazel Levesque, your clothes—” “My clothes?”
Y tú, Hazel Levesque, esa ropa… —¿Mi ropa?
“You have other clothes, old clothes—put them on.”
Tienes otra ropa, ropa vieja.
If he needs clothes, a clothes shop.
Si quiere ropa, en una tienda de ropa.
He gave her clothes, but they were not her clothes.
El hombre le había dejado ropa, pero esa ropa no era de ella.
‘Anyway, there he was with my clothes on.’ ‘Your clothes?’
—En fin, que allí estaba él, vestido con mi ropa. —¿Tu ropa?
And these clothes, these policeman’s clothes, came to define him;
Y esa ropa, esa ropa de policía, acabó por definirle.
The blood had in fact yellowed on the cloth.
La sangre estaba por cierto amarillenta sobre la camisa.
Hari, in his pundit’s clothes, looked jaundiced and unwell as always;
Con la vestimenta de pandit, Hari estaba amarillento y enfermizo como siempre;
Half the bottles were full of yellow alcohol, and plugged with cloth and clay.
La mitad de las botellas estaban llenas de alcohol amarillento y cerradas con tela y arcilla.
A line of stiff yellowish half-washed clothes jittered on a rusty wire in the side yard.
Una hilera de amarillentas prendas mal lavadas se agitaba rígidamente sobre un alambre oxidado en el patio lateral.
Bunny pinched a piece of the rich, yellowy cloth near the cuff and rubbed it back and forth between his fingers.
Bunny pellizcó un trozo de la rica y amarillenta tela cerca del puño y la frotóentre los dedos.
Rya and I traveled those book-walled corridors, bathed in the odor of yellowing paper and musty cloth bindings.
Recorrimos esos pasillos de paredes de libros y nos bañamos en el olor que emanaba del papel amarillento y de las tapas enmohecidas.
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