Translation for "blue-stockings" to spanish
Translation examples
No one could describe Jane Austen as a blue-stocking, a type with which she had no sympathy, but it is plain that she was far from being an uncultivated woman.
Nadie podría describir a Jane Austen como una mujer literata, tipo por el que no sentía ninguna simpatía, pero es claro que estaba lejos de ser una mujer sin cultura.
He insisted that she be first in all her classes during her school life, and somehow, with a few lapses from grace, she had managed it. But she was not to be a blue-stocking, he said; she was to be truly womanly, and for that reason she must have general culture, nice manners and a store of agreeable conversation.
A lo largo de toda su enseñanza le había exigido que fuese la primera de la clase en todas las asignaturas y, salvo unos pocos tropezones, lo había conseguido, aunque, según su padre, no iba a ser literata, sino una auténtica mujer, y por ese motivo debía poseer cultura general, buenos modales y recursos para mantener conversaciones agradables.
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