Translation for "become queen" to spanish
Translation examples
She understood at last that becoming Queen did not mean absolute freedom, but the end of it.
Finalmente comprendió que convertirse en reina no significaba una absoluta libertad, sino el fin de ella.
“Never,” I said determinedly. “I don’t know half of what she did to become queen.
—Nunca —repuse con determinación—. No sé ni la mitad de lo que hizo para convertirse en reina.
“Princess Mary could become queen in her own right and not marry,” I said wildly. “Rule as a queen on her own.”
—La princesa María podría convertirse en reina por derecho propio, sin casarse —repuse con vehemencia—.
I wonder if Jackie will try to create a system with a strong president, and use the natives’ numerical superiority to become queen.”
Si Jackie intentará crear un sistema con una presidencia fuerte y utilizar la superioridad numérica de los nativos para convertirse en reina.
Moiraine's opinion was that he had remained unmarried for the simple reason that even the inducement of becoming Queen of Cairhien was not enough to convince any woman to marry him.
En opinión de Moraine, si no se había casado era por la simple razón de que ni siquiera el aliciente de convertirse en reina de Cairhien había bastado para convencer a ninguna mujer de que se desposara con él.
Queen Elizabeth's advisers and councilmen had been put into a great fright by Her Majesty's illness and what had terrified them most of all was the thought that the Queen of Scots might become Queen of England.
Los ministros y consejeros de Isabel estaban consternados por la enfermedad de su majestad y lo que más los aterrorizaba era pensar que la reina de Escocia pudiera convertirse en reina de Inglaterra.
She did not want him to know that she was not his beloved little sister any more but a woman who had learned to throw everything, even her mortal soul, into the battle to become queen. “And what about you?” George asked me.
Ni que supiera que ya no era su amada hermanita sino una mujer que lo apostaba todo, hasta su propia alma, en la batalla para convertirse en reina. —¿Y tú qué tal? —me preguntó Jorge—.
Do you not wish to become queen?
¿No te gustaría ser Reina?
for us to become queen of Milos.
para que lleguemos a ser reina de Milos.
And then marry you and become Queen of Madagascar.
Casarme contigo y ser reina de Madagascar.
I never should've let you become queen.
Nunca debí dejarte ser Reina
But she has no wish to become Queen.
Pero ella no quiere ser Reina.
The only way you're gonna become queen is by default.
Sólo serás reina si te quedas sin rival.
A widow at seventeen, she was fast losing her hopes of becoming queen of En gland.
A sus diecisiete años esta perdía, con su viudez, la esperanza de ser reina de Inglaterra.
Oh, dear, she is nervous of all the trappings of kingship and the very thought of becoming queen very shortly is probably frightening her to death.
Ay, pobrecilla, está nerviosa por todas las ceremonias a que la obliga la condición real y la mera idea de ser reina tan pronto debe de estar matándola de miedo.
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