Translation for "become lovers" to spanish
Translation examples
They were finally to become lovers in the truest sense.
Al fin iban a convertirse en amantes en el sentido más real de la palabra.
He knew that if they were to become lovers, they had to share their secrets.
Sabía que si iban a convertirse en amantes tenían que compartir sus secretos.
Over the months while he’d been stationed there, they had become lovers and, more than that, close friends.
Con los meses, habían acabado por convertirse en amantes y, más que eso, en amigos.
Despite the intensive schedule, they’d somehow found the time to become lovers.
Pese a su horario intensivo, encontraron de alguna manera tiempo para convertirse en amantes.
With smart girls and women, although by no means with all of them, he knew he was on a shared psychic wavelength and he felt it when they were attracted to him and at just what moment, without any overt moves on either his part or theirs, the decision to become lovers was tacitly made.
En cambio, compartía una misma longitud de onda psíquica con las chicas y mujeres inteligentes —aunque no con todas ellas— y así sabía cuándo se sentían atraídas por él, sin necesidad de insinuarse francamente o de que lo hiciesen ellas, y se tomaba tácitamente el acuerdo de convertirse en amantes.
Both their lives had changed radically in two weeks, since they had become lovers.
Las vidas de ambos habían sufrido un cambio radical en un par de semanas, desde el momento en que se habían convertido en amantes.
the women, were led away, to the grief of those who had become lovers since we left the Bull Court.
se llevaron a las mujeres, para pesar de todos los que se habían convertido en amantes desde que abandonáramos la Casa del Toro.
They had met and become lovers at Bucknell University and at the time of the attack had been married since 1985.
Se habían conocido y convertido en amantes en la Bucknell University y en la época del ataque llevaban casados desde 1985.
Richard and Martha, who had become lovers, set about repairing one of the flying machines and the great Spear.
Richard y Martha, que se habían convertido en amantes, se dedicaron a reparar una de las máquinas volantes y la gran Lanza.
had become lovers with Ollie Boon, the Broadway director, and that he was very happy in New York, and sometimes when I went to Paris, I tried to call G.G.
y Ollie Boon, el director de Broadway, se habían convertido en amantes, y él era muy feliz en Nueva York.
In the world of her grandparents—even of her parents—to have become lovers with Richard before a formal commitment had been made between them would have been both foolhardy and ruinous.
En el mundo de sus abuelos -incluso en el de sus padres- haberse convertido en amante de Richard antes de llegar a un compromiso formal habría sido considerado algo tanto temerario como ruinoso.
Richard and Nicole had become lovers during the time that they were struggling to figure out how to cross the Cylindrical Sea and return to their cosmonaut colleagues from the Newton spacecraft.
Richard y Nicole se habían convertido en amantes durante la época en la que pugnaban por resolver el modo de cruzar el Mar Cilíndrico y regresar con sus colegas cosmonautas de la espacionave Newton.
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