Translation for "badly injured" to spanish
Translation examples
63. The Dominican Republic had a history of labour accidents and the amounts paid to persons who had been badly injured or maimed was minimal.
63. La República Dominicana tiene una sombría historia de accidentes de trabajo y las sumas pagadas a las personas gravemente lesionadas o mutiladas son ínfimas.
Dozens of men have been in far worse situations-badly injured, trapped in wreckage a million miles from help.
Docenas de hombres se han encontrado en peores situaciones... gravemente lesionados, atrapados en naves a la deriva, a un millón de millas de la ayuda más próxima.
One staff member of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs was badly injured.
Un funcionario de la Oficina de Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios resultó gravemente herido.
The third was badly injured, covered in blood, with wounds to his shoulder and abdomen.
El tercero estaba gravemente herido, cubierto de sangre, con heridas en un hombro y en el abdomen.
Amongst those badly injured was another close friend of UNHCR's, Gil Loescher - author of an important recent book on the history of the organization.
Entre los gravemente heridos podemos mencionar a Gil Loescher, otro buen amigo del ACNUR y autor de un importante libro de reciente publicación sobre la historia de la organización.
There were thus some 8,774 such fatalities during the years of the embargo, and hundreds of persons were also badly injured or permanently disabled.
Se produjeron 8.774 accidentes mortales durante los años del embargo, y centenares de personas también resultaron gravemente heridas o permanentemente incapacitadas.
The fears expressed for their lives and physical safety have apparently been confirmed following a serious car accident in which Alya Sharif—Chammari and her daughter were badly injured.
Los temores expresados por su vida y su integridad física quedaron confirmados por un grave accidente de automóvil en el cual Alya Sharif-Chammari y su hija resultaron gravemente heridas.
One woman was badly injured.
Una mujer resultó gravemente herida.
He was badly injured several years ago when he happened upon a landmine that exploded; he lost an arm, several fingers of the other hand and his left eye.
Hace varios años resultó gravemente herido cuando pisó una mina que explotó; perdió un brazo, varios dedos de la otra mano y el ojo izquierdo.
At 1745 hours an explosive charge was detonated in the Bard al-Ayn locality between Mayfadun and Mazra`at al-Hamra and Ahmad Ali Safa was badly injured.
A las 17.45 horas se hizo detonar una carga explosiva en la localidad de Bard al-Ayn, entre Mayfadun y Mazra'at al-Hamra, resultando gravemente herido Ahmad Ali Safa.
The system was established by this Law that the State provides the benefits for criminal victims to a bereaved family member of a person who unexpectedly died or to a person badly injured due to criminal acts.
El sistema establecido en esta ley consiste en que el Estado paga una indemnización a la familia de una persona que haya fallecido inesperadamente o que haya resultado gravemente herida durante la comisión de un delito.
My husband is badly injured.
Mi marido está gravemente herido.
The boy has been badly injured.
El chico ha sido gravemente herido.
She has been badly injured.
Ella ha sido gravemente herido.
Samuel Anders was badly injured.
Samuel Anders está gravemente herido.
Three are badly injured.
Tres estan gravemente heridos.
Their team is already badly injured.
Su equipo está gravemente herido.
In it was a badly injured Sallust.
En ella viajaba Salustio, gravemente herido.
Some of them looked badly injured.
Parecía que algunos estaban gravemente heridos.
Was she badly injured in the accident?
¿Resultó gravemente herida en el accidente?
Warren is with me but he's badly injured.
Warren está conmigo, pero está gravemente herido.
He was badly injured and taken to hospital.
Está gravemente herido y se encuentra ingresado en el hospital.
Though badly injured, he tried to rise.
Aunque estaba gravemente herido, intentó levantarse.
They all appeared to be alive, but most were badly injured;
Todos parecían estar vivos, pero la mayoría estaban gravemente heridos;
He did not seem badly injured at a first glance.
No parecía gravemente herido a primera vista.
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