Translation for "ashy" to spanish
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Translation examples
Hey, get your ashy ass up out here, man.
Trae tu ceniciento trasero, hombre.
Produce some ashy elbows, and then maybe you can have the lotion back.
Produce algo de codos de cenicienta, y ahí tal vez tengas tu loción de vuelta.
I've seen volcanoes ain't that ashy.
Vi volcanes menos cenicientos.
They were cold and ashy and pale and dead.
Estaban fríos y cenicientos y pálidos y muertos.
Did you find what you were looking for, the mysterious ashy prick?
¿Encontraste lo que estabas buscando, el misterioso pinchazo ceniciento?
So you out here for the holidays just ashy?
Así que aquí por las vacaciones a la cenicienta?
If that ashy li'l nugget could get it, so could I.
Sí ese pequeño "nugget" ceniciento pudo conseguirlo, también yo puedo.
His face was ashy gray.
Tenía el rostro ceniciento.
The ashy cone of Vesuvius. Jerusalem.
El ceniciento cono del Vesubio. Jerusalén.
The eyes were shut, the face ashy gray.
Tenía los ojos cerrados y el rostro ceniciento.
            But the ashy ruins were nothing compared to the silence.
Pero las cenicientas ruinas no eran nada comparadas con el silencio.
His face turned an ashy blue.
Su rostro adoptó un color azul ceniciento.
His eyes were wide and his skin was ashy.
Tenía los ojos grandes y la piel cenicienta.
Wartmüller stared at the ashy end of his cigarette.
Wartmüller contempló la punta cenicienta del cigarrillo:
Hoytola's face went a kind of ashy colour.
La cara de Hoytola tomó un color un tanto ceniciento.
The cars in front of it were burned out and ashy.
Los autos estacionados delante estaban quemados y cenicientos.
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