Translation for "amused herself" to spanish
Amused herself
Translation examples
Pola amused herself by teaching him words.
Pola se divertía enseñándole palabras.
Ragnhild amused herself by treading on them, they were dry and powdery.
Ragnhild se divertía pisándolos, estaban secos y enteros.
Nikki amused herself by constantly asking Archie the time.
Nikki se divertía preguntándole constantemente la hora a Archie.
She was the secretary of the philosophical club and amused herself with all sorts of people.
Era secretaria del club de filosofía y se divertía con todo tipo de gente.
Little Xlthlx amused herself by catching them in midair, though it wasn't easy.
La pequeña Xlthlx se divertía atrapándolas en el aire, pero no era fácil.
For the rest of the morning, drinking coffee, Lina amused herself by applying kohl to little Theodora’s eyelashes.
Durante el resto de la mañana, bebiendo café, Lina se divertía poniendo rímel en las pestañas a la pequeña Tessie.
That was it, he told himself, the older, experienced woman amusing herself teasing the simple boy up from the country.
Sí, se dijo, la mujer mayor y de experiencia se divertía incordiando al sencillo muchacho de provincias.
Of course, Jahar had not, but he figured Merise amused herself by making Jahar balance a cookie on his nose.
Jahar, por supuesto, tampoco lo tenía, pero suponía que Merise se divertía haciendo que Jahar sostuviera una galleta en equilibrio sobre la punta de la nariz.
“You’re making fun of me.’ That was it, he told himself, the older, experienced woman amusing herself teasing the simple boy up from the country.
—Te estás burlando de mí. Sí, se dijo, la mujer mayor y de experiencia se divertía incordiando al sencillo muchacho de provincias.
my sister was amusing herself making faces in all directions, imitating the expressions of various people, challenging the others to guess who;
mi hermana se divertía haciendo muecas al corro; imitando la cara de éste y de aquél y desafiando a los otros a que adivinaran a quién estaba imitando;
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