Translation for "a few pounds" to spanish
A few pounds
Translation examples
A few pounds, but I couldn't be certain.
Unas pocas libras, pero no podría estar seguro.
I usually gain a few pounds during the holidays,
Generalmente gano unas pocas libras durante las vacaciones,
Only got a few pounds for her.
Sólo obtuve unas pocas libras por ella.
You've put on a few pounds, paI.
Usted ha puesto en unas pocas libras, amigo.
I do all that for a few pounds.
Hago todo esto por unas pocas libras.
Tanja says there are flights for a few pounds.
Tanja dice que hay vuelos por unas pocas libras.
I've managed to save a few pounds.
Logré ahorrar unas pocas libras.
A few pounds, if we're lucky.
Unas pocas libras, si tenemos suerte.
At most a few pounds from Arbor.
Lo máximo, unas pocas libras de Arbor.
“It’s only a few pounds and trinkets.”
Son tan solo unas pocas libras y algunas baratijas.
But at the best I doubt we’ll get more than a few pounds of pressure into the line.”
Pero en el mejor de los casos, sólo lograremos hacer llegar unas pocas libras de presión a la línea.
All college fees were paid by the government, she had moreover a few pounds grant every year.
El gobierno pagaba todos los gastos de enseñanza y, además, contaría con una beca de unas pocas libras anuales.
so I took a passage for a few pounds in a trading brig that ran between Durban and Delagoa Bay.
compré pasaje por unas pocas libras en un bergantín mercante que hacía la travesía entre Durban y la bahía de Delagoa[7].
Always he reaped twenty sacks of this and thirty sacks of that with a few pounds profit to show on each crop.
Siempre cosechaba veinte sacos de esto y veinte de aquello con sólo unas pocas libras de beneficio por cada cultivo.
Oh, of course if he thinks that by lending me a’ few pounds he’s setting himself up for life as a good fellow …
—¡Oh!, si cree que prestándome unas pocas libras puede ganarse la aureola de buen chico…
Clothing, time off, a few pounds a year spending money, medical care—all necessities came out of a common pool.
La ropa, el tiempo libre, unas pocas libras al año para gastos, asistencia médica..., todas las necesidades salían de un fondo común.
Amy had offered to ask her mother for a few pounds; it would be cowardly to put this task upon her now that he had promised to meet the difficulty himself.
Amy se había ofrecido a pedirle a su madre unas pocas libras, pero sería una cobardía decirle que lo hiciera después de haberse comprometido a resolver él la situación.
There are two accounts of what happened then: one states that Methodist ministers, impressed by his ability and expecting him to train himself for the ministry, subscribed a few pounds which, added to the little he had saved, enabled him to go to Cambridge;
Existen dos versiones sobre lo que sucedió entonces: una declara que los ministros metodistas, impresionados por su habilidad y esperando que se educara para el clero, suscribieron unas pocas libras que, añadidas a lo poco que había ahorrado, le permitieron ir a Cambridge;
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