Translation for "wladislaw" to russian
Translation examples
59. Wladislaw Bury
59. Владислав Бури
Hey, Wladislaw. You understand German.
Владислав, ты знаешь немецкий.
Wladislaw... get Vladek out of there, huh?
Владислав, оттащи Владека.
- Wladislaw and major go down to delve.
- Владислав и майор идут сражаться.
- Major and Wladislaw through the door.
- Майор и Владислав уже в квартире.
- Wladislaw throws the hook to heaven.
- Владислава ждем мы все.
Those two gorillas beat up Wladislaw.
Те две гориллы пытали Владислава.
Those are the two guys that banged Wladislaw.
Те двое били Владислава.
Those are the two guys that got Wladislaw.
Там двое парней, которые били Владислава.
Those are the two guys that jumped Wladislaw.
Те два гада напали на Владислава.
Those are the two guys that gave Wladislaw his lumps.
Те два скота наехали на Владислава.
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