Translation for "many as" to russian
Translation examples
- As many as I wanted.
— Так много, как мне хочется.
Not as many as you.
Не так много, как ты.
Not as many as before.
Не так много как раньше.
Not as many as you think.
Не так много, как ты думаешь.
Not as many as we do.
Не так много, как у нас.
Well, not as many as you.
Не так много, как у вас.
- Yes please, as many as possible.
-Да, пожалуйста,так много, как возможно.
- Not as many as I'd like.
- Не так много, как хотелось бы
Not nearly as many as we've saved.
Не так много как спасли.
The Committee wished to know how many persons had been charged, how many acquitted, how many had served a sentence.
Члены Комитета хотели бы знать, сколько человек было привлечено к ответственности, сколько из них было оправдано и сколько отбывали наказание.
How many were run by the Government and how many by NGOs?
Сколько из них находятся в ведении государства и сколько в ведении неправительственных организаций?
How many persons were awaiting execution, and how many persons had in fact been executed?
Сколько человек ожидают смертной казни и сколько человек были казнены?
How many traffickers had been arrested, and how many had been convicted?
Сколько торговцев живым товаром было арестовано и сколько осуждено?
If so, how many?
Если "да", то сколько?
- As many as you please!
- Да сколько пожелаешь!
As many as we want.
Столько сколько захотим.
As many as you want.
Столько, сколько пожелаешь.
- As many as I could.
- Столько, сколько смогла.
- As many as we can.
Столько, сколько сможем.
As many as you'd like.
Да сколько угодно.
As many as it takes.
Столько, сколько понадобится.
As many as were necessary.
Столько, сколько требовалось.
As many as want to.
Столько, сколько потребуется.
And I've done it so many times, so many times.
И сколько, сколько раз я это делала.
"How many G's does this place pull?
– Сколько здесь «же»?
And so many times, so many times I've brought her to tears! Just last week! Ah, me!
А сколько, сколько раз я ее в слезы вводила! Да на прошлой еще неделе! Ох, я!
How many did we lose?
– Сколько мы потеряли?
How many attacks have there been now?
Сколько уже было жертв?
I couldn't tell how many was in it.
Я не мог разглядеть, сколько в ней человек.
“How many people know about it?”
— Сколько народу о ней знает?
“And how many were there?” asked Harry.
— А сколько их было? — спросил Гарри.
How many can I kill before they get me?
И сколько ж я их успею перебить?
He crept on; and as he went he wondered how many orcs lived in the Tower with Shagrat, and how many Gorbag had, and what they were quarrelling about, if that was what was happening.
Он крался к воротам и соображал, сколько орков в башне у Шаграта, сколько привел Горбаг и с чего они разодрались.
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