Translation for "overanxious" to italian
Translation examples
I must have been overanxious.
Devo essere molto ansiosa.
- But I didn't wish to seem overanxious.
- Ma non volevo sembrare ansioso.
I'm sorry if I seem overanxious. It's just that I'm sure there's something wrong out there and I have to know what.
Scusi se sono molto ansiosa, ma credo che ci sia qualcosa di strano.
Yes. Then I don't look like the overanxious one.
Almeno non sembro io quella super ansiosa.
-You pass me documents-- -"Swiftly, and don't look overanxious."
- Passami le carte... - "Senza avere I'aria ansiosa.!
Don't get overanxious.
Non siate ansiosi.
Doctor parents are always a little overanxious. Mm.
I genitori medici sono sempre quelli piu' ansiosi.
Maybe it's nothing, I'm just overanxious
Forse non è niente, sono solo troppo ansioso.
Maybe he was a little overanxious, huh?
Forse era leggermente ansioso.
I don't want to seem overanxious.
- Non ora. Sembrerei iperansioso.
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