Translation for "most artistic" to german
Translation examples
It was at once the most artistic and ostentatious piece of clothing she had ever seen. "Thank you.
Es war gleichzeitig das kunstvollste und prahlerischste Kleidungsstück, das sie je gesehen hatte. »Vielen Dank.
Penniman declared that his manner of singing was “most artistic,” and Doctor Sloper said it was “very taking—very taking, indeed,”
Penniman erklärte, diese Art zu singen sei »höchst kunstvoll«, und Dr.
Our costumes were the most artistic. We wore dark red shorts that went from our bellybuttons down to our knees. Our entire bodies were painted light brown like African cows, save for our faces, which were painted with streaks.
Unsere Verkleidung war am kunstvollsten: Wir trugen knielange dunkelrote Hosen, hatten uns den ganzen Oberkörper in der Farbe afrikanischer Rinder hellbraun angemalt, bis auf die Gesichter, die wir bunt schminkten.
This good fortune was hers on Arabella’s first Sunday in London, and the circumstance made fine reading; for the interested brothers and sisters in Yorkshire, following, as it did (most artistically), descriptions of Hyde Park, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, and a lively account of the racket and bustle of the London Streets.
Diese glückliche Gelegenheit ereignete sich an Arabellas erstem Sonntag in London, und darüber berichtete ein Brief an die neugierigen Brüder und Schwestern in Yorkshire, der auch eine sehr kunstvolle Schilderung des Hyde Park, der St.-Pauls-Kathedrale und eine lebhafte Darstellung des Londoner Straßenlebens enthielt.
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