Translation for "have reached" to french
Translation examples
3. Three months for women having reached the climacteric.
3. Trois mois dans le cas de la femme qui a atteint l'âge de la ménopause.
The court will hear minors who have reached the age of 12.
Le tribunal entend le mineur qui a atteint l'âge de 12 ans.
The pressure must be adjusted when the contents of the tank have reached the testing temperature.
La différence de pression est compensée lorsque le contenu du réservoir a atteint la température d'essai.
They have reached a stage of despair that would require a quick solution.
Cette population a atteint un stade de désespoir qui exigerait une solution rapide.
86. Rights under the Constitution may be exercised by all citizens who have reached the age of 18.
86. Les droits constitutionnels sont exercés par tout citoyen qui a atteint l'âge de 18 ans.
One quarter of police officers have reached the retirement age limit.
Un quart de l'effectif a atteint la limite de l'âge de la retraite.
Deaths, especially of civilians, have reached terrifying levels, with no end in sight to the slaughter.
Le nombre de morts, surtout parmi les civils, a atteint des niveaux effarants, et aucune fin n'est en vue pour ces tueries.
It started as a joke and things have reached a height now
Ce qui n'était qu'une farce a atteint une autre dimension maintenant.
"Congratulations! You have reached ... lever nine!"
Félicitations, tu a atteint le niveau 9!
Look, we have reached the point of diminishing returns here.
On a atteint le point de diminuer des retours ici.
We have reached that wonderful moment in your mother's pregnancy.
On a atteint ce merveilleux moment dans la grossesse de votre mère
It would appear to have reached optimal temperature.
Il a atteint la température optimale.
So far, none of their missiles have reached our space.
Jusqu'à présent, aucun de leurs missiles ne nous a atteints.
We have reached DEFCON 1.
On a atteint la situation de crise.
Like when you say that you and I have reached ""that place."" What place?
Me dire comment on a atteint "ce stade" ?
Horse and rider have reached the rock.
Il a atteint le rocher
But there are limits, and we have reached mine.
Mais il y a des limites, et on a atteint les miennes.
have reached the perimeter.
ont atteint le périmètre.
They have reached the heart.
Ils ont atteint le cœur.
Torpedoes have reached their targets.
Les torpilles ont atteint leurs cibles.
The bison have reached their goal.
Les bisons ont atteint leur objectif.
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