Translation for "exhaust is" to french
Translation examples
Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to the outer flange(s) of the exhaust manifold: .°C
15.3 Température maximale des gaz d'échappement dans le ou les tuyaux d'échappement à proximité des brides du collecteur d'échappement: °C
Love to hear what you suggest as punishment. I was gonna suggest clapping erasers... but you guys are mostly dry erase here, so- You know what you might not find so funny, Mercedes... is that tampering with an automobile's exhaust is a felony.
J'aimerais connaître vos suggestions de punition. donc... c'est que trafiquer un pot d'échappement est un crime.
Your exhaust is shot to hell! Damn it, lady!
-Votre pot d'échappement est détruit !
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