Translation for "disrupter" to french
Translation examples
Endocrine Disruption:
Perturbation endocrinienne :
(c) Disruption to services;
c) De la perturbation des services.
Disruption of proceedings
Perturbation de l'audience
Services are often disrupted.
Les perturbations sont fréquentes.
Disrupt their frequency.
Perturber leur fréquence.
He's disrupting transport.
Il perturbe la téléportation.
This disrupts that.
Ceci perturbe cela.
You're being disruptive.
Tu deviens perturbateur.
Disrupting the order
Perturber le plan...
It disrupts subspace.
- Cela perturbe le subespace.
You disrupt that frequency, you disrupt the matter.
Tu perturbes la fréquence, tu perturbes la matière.
That'd be disruptive.
Ça pourrait la perturber.
A photocopy of an article entitled "Secret training in Guinea to disrupt October elections" from an unidentified magazine was found on an ex-combatant in Voinjama.
La photocopie d'un article, intitulé << Secret training in Guinea to disrupt October elections >>, provenant d'un magazine non identifié, a été trouvée sur un ancien combattant à Voinjama.
Modify the disrupter wave again.
Modifiez l'onde du disrupteur.
Councilman, planetary disrupter banks locked onto target.
Cible disrupteurs acquise.
We need electric disrupters.
Il nous faut des disrupteurs électriques.
DISRUPT strikes again.
DISRUPT a encore frappé.
TechCrunch motherfucking Disrupt.
Le putain de Disrupt par TechCrunch.
- ...a free video of you - at TechCrunch Disrupt.
- Au TechCrunch Disrupt.
Let's use an LVB water disrupter.
Utilisons un "LVB water disrupter".
DISRUPT's members are anonymous.
Les membres de DISRUPT sont anonymes.
Romulan disrupters, Klingon bat'leths...
- disrupteurs romuliens, bat'leths.
A disrupter, no doubt about it.
Par un disrupteur.
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