Traduzione per "qui a touché sur" a inglese
Qui a touché sur
  • who touched on
  • which touched on
Esempi di traduzione.
who touched on
Il cherchait sincèrement à aider les personnes dans le besoin, non seulement au Koweït, mais partout dans le monde. les Koweïtiens et la communauté internationale dans son ensemble ont perdu un grand dirigeant qui a touché et inspiré la vie de millions d'êtres humains.
He was interested in helping people in need not only in Kuwait, but also all over the world. Kuwaitis and the international community as a whole have lost a great leader who touched and inspired the lives of millions of people.
which touched on
Ils continuent à partager la détresse de toutes les familles des victimes de cette barbarie, qui a touché toutes les races, toutes les cultures et toutes les nations du monde.
We continue to share the distress of all the families of the victims of that barbarity, which touched all races, cultures and nations of the world.
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